Trees Trees Trees?

I want to plant some trees in my backyard because it is pretty bare and i want to help the enviroment. I live in central Ohio and have quite a bit of yard space to plant in, any ideas of what might grow well, if you could also tell me when a good time to plant them that would be great, thanks, will choose best :)

Mrs Apple2007-10-05T13:15:24Z

Favorite Answer

I work for a wholesale citrus nursery. Have you ever thought of planting any fruit trees? If yes, you can visit our website at If you can't find the answers to your questions, there's an e-mail address provided on the website.

susan s2007-10-05T18:47:11Z

If you have the space, you could plant a grouping of shade trees. You might consider Zelkova, which is vase shaped, similar to the Elms. It also gets great Fall color.

Another would be Red Maple, either Red Sunset or October Glory. Also....beautiful color in the fall.

White Birch, which is more ornamental would grow well there too. It has pretty white bark which looks great in the winter. You might place this closer to the house, as it stays on the narrow side.

You can plant now in the Fall for quite awhile. Just be sure to water any trees you plant well during this time, up until it starts getting cold, and their roots should develop nicely.

Good're lucky to have the space for the trees!

You can read about more trees and ideas at


Fall is a great time to plant. I love fruit trees, but often people don't think about how large the tree will get and and end up picking fruit up off the lawn. I'd go to a nursery and see what trees look the best to you now. Then you will know what you have next fall.


What is wrong with a ceramic lighted tree? It sounds beautiful to me. I used to have a fiber optic tree that I loved and I got lots of flak for it but I didn't care because I got enjoyment out of the tree, and it didn't require the maintenance that a real one does. The only thing I missed was the smell of a fresh tree but I can always light a scented candle instead if I choose. If you've found an alternative that YOU are happy with, ignore the naysayers. Chances are they're jealous of the low-maintenance that yours has.


There are many, many trees that will do well in Ohio. I recommend checking out the arbor day foundation. They give some good advice depending on your particular conditions.