Is there anyway to adopt a cat without it being spayed or neutered?

Charlie Kicksass2007-11-02T22:14:18Z

Favorite Answer

Shelters require you to spay and neuter by asking you to pay for that in advance, or make you wait till it is done through them.
Adopt a kitten from a family that put an ad in the paper or up on a billboard.
Pet stores will sell you a kitten and won't ask for a promise to fix.
If you intend to breed, you probably want a fancy cat and you could find what you want by running your own ad.
Once you have a cat, especially if you let it run outside, there will be other outside cats visiting.
Many stray cats are not sterilized. You just take one in.
C. :)!!


Why on earth would you want to? So you can force it to reproduce? The reason shelters spay and neuter is to prevent more unwanted kittens. There is no reason on earth any responsible owner needs to have a cat that's not fixed. Why would you take a cat out of a shelter and breed even more cats that would end up right back in the shelter anyway? To find a cheap purebred?

Adoption = no more kittens.

Electric Dazeys2007-10-30T15:33:00Z

You can buy one at a pet store or you can adopt one from a shelter. But they usually make you sign a paper saying that you promise to get the animal spayed/neutered.


Best bet is a pet store or look in your local classified ads...most shelters have the animals spayed or neutered before they can leave to prevent more kittens in this world.


get one from someone private, or the pet store. There are often adds in the paper for free kittens, and they often aren't spayed or neutered! Good luck!

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