What is the differance between Word Pad and Microsoft Word ?

I have XP Home Edition,that has word pad how does it differ from Microsoft Word?

The Phlebob2007-11-15T14:21:19Z

Favorite Answer

About as much as a lightning bug differs from lightning. Wordpad is simply Notepad on vitamins. Word can do far more with words -- formatting, tables of contents, indexes, page headers and footers, mail merge, to name a hand full -- than can Wordpad, but it also costs far more.

Hope that helps.


Word Pad is like the water down version of Microsoft Word - it was called Write when MS Word wasn't even born.

Basically it's just a simple program to type up stuff. It doesn't have advance features like MS Word has - of course it doesn't its bundle with ever version of Windows!


Word Pad is just a cheap word processor.

The guy above is correct. Here's another one:



Word is more functional.

If you really need Word, you can get Open Office for free, and its compatible.