Please explain, I'm baseball illiterate?

Hi, I'm from the Netherlands and I only know about 10% of the basics of baseball... I'm trying to read up on the Netherlands - Chinese Taipei quarter final game in a few hours in the World Cup and I'm having a very hard time with all the abbreviations... Could someone please explain what they mean or point me to a good site with explanations?

These are the abbreviations


and the site I'm trying to figure out is

Please help me out! Thanks! And Play Ball!!!!!!! :)


I guess I also need help on the pitcher stat abbreviations :(



Thanks a lot guys! That really helps! I also found a site with all the abbreviations now so I'm making a lot more sense of it now... I guess these are the Taiwanese abbreviations since that's where the World Cup is being held... If I have any more detailed questions I'll be back, thanks again! (can't vote for a best answer yet but answer #1 has got it)


Hmmm, on second though, I'm finding llk51's answer very helpful too!

Christian Guitarist2007-11-15T16:40:37Z

Favorite Answer

PA: i don't know what this means
AB: this is short for at bats if you keep stats for when you play it tells you how many at bats you have
R: stands for runs, to get more of these on your stats you have to score a run
H: stands for hit to get these on your stats you have to get a hit and not get out
Bave: batting average, this is hard to explain but if you get 1 hit out of 2 at bats your average is 500% alot like school grades
2B: stands for second base it is usually shown for when you hit a double but it is also a posistion you can play
3B: stands for third base usually shown when you hit a triple or it is also a position you play
HR: stands for home run (when you hit it over the fence)
Slave: stands for slugging average (not sure how you get this but i think it means how many times you hit the ball into fair play)
BB:stands for base on balls meaning for pitchers you walked someone
SB: stands for stolen base when you steal a base
CS: stands for caught stealing when you get out stealing
K: stands for strikeout if fowards the batter swung if backwards the batter didn't swing
RBI: stands for run batted in you get this when someone scores while you're batting or when you hit the ball
IP: stands for innings pitched tells how many innings the pitcher has pitched
E: stands for error, errors are when a feilder don't field the ball well (such as bobbling it or missing a fly ball)


okay, when the telecast comes back from commercials, most like they're going to show a scoreboard with three numbers... each team has a column for R, H and E which is Runs (the one you really want to pay attention to because that's the score), Hits (the number of base hits each team has) and Errors, which is basically plays the other team should have made but did not ... They might show nine columns, and then Runs, Hits and Errors ... that's just the innings, what team scored in what inning and how many runs ... if you look at those 9 (or more if there's extra innings) columns at any point during the game, the numbers each team has through those innings will equal the number of runs they have.. This part varies with each team, but usually when you're watching the telecast of the game, they'll have a scoreboard on top of the screen, too ... usually, there will be a diamond consisting of four smaller diamonds ... think of that like the actual field ... it tells you if there are runners on base.. for example, if the small diamond on the right is lit up, it'll mean there's a runner on first base ... After that, you'll probably have each team name and the score ... of course, that's how many runs they have and that's as simple as it can get for you ... there will be an arrow pointing up or down and then a number next to it ... it will tell you what inning it is and if it's the top or bottom of that inning (the home team always hits in the bottom of the inning) ... other than that, you'll only have to worry about the count ... that is, how many balls and strikes there are to the current batter ... if it says 2-1, that's two balls and one strike ... if it's 0-2, that's no balls and two strikes ... when you say the count, balls always come first ... now, with your newly discovered knowledge, you can impress people =) hope I helped


PA plate appearances including t bats plus walks.

AB at bats incuding hits and outs.

R Runs scored by crossing the plate personally

RBI Runs Batted In, meaning runs that cross the plate as a direct result of his plate appearance, even if he did not score too...a home run with al three bases full is 4 RBI's the most you can get on one PA.

H Hits

"Bave" is really B Ave: Batting Average

2B Doubles (a hit that gets you to second base)

3B Triples

HR Home Run

Slg Ave Slugging Percentage,

GD grounders,

SH (Bunts) Sacrifice Hits,

SF Sacrifice Flyballs,

W Walks, Intentional Walks,

HP (or HBP) Hit By Pitch,

SB Stolen Bases,

CS Caught Stealing,

SO Strikeout,

GP Games Played,

IP Innings Played,

PO could be Put Outs or Pick Offs,

A Assists,

E Errors,

FP or F % is Fielding Percentage,

DP Double Plays

TB Total Bases achieved (HR=4)

GP Games Played

SA Slugging Average (bases per AB)

W/L Wins vs Losss

IP Innings Pitched

BF Batters Faced

ER Earned Runs

ERave Earned Runs Average

H hits

2B doubles (hits that get you to 2nd base)

3B triples (hits that get you to 3rd base)

HR home runs

SH sacrifice hit (bunt)

SF Sacrifice Fly

BB Base on Balls (walks)

HP hit by a pitch

K Strikes

WP Wild Pitches

BK Balk (a wrong move by pitcher that causes baserunners to move up a base)


*I'll use Christian Guitarist's post because he has some correct, I'll fill in the blanks.
PA: Plate appearances (at bats + walks+ hit by pitch+ sacrifice flys, etc.)
AB: this is short for at bats if you keep stats for when you play it tells you how many at bats you have
R: stands for runs, to get more of these on your stats you have to score a run
H: represents a pitch that is struck by the batter on which he reaches base safely without an error being committed by a fielder
Bave: batting average, this is the ratio of hits to at bats
2B: double or two-base hit
3B: triple or three-base hit
HR: stands for home run (when you hit it over the fence)
Slave: stands for slugging average total base divided by at bats ( a single is worth one, a double is worth two bases, etc.
GD - may be groundout, not sure
SH - sacrifice hits (a bunt that advances a runner)
SF - a fly ball that scores a runner
BB:stands for base on balls or walk
HP - hit by pitch
IO - don't know
SB: stands for stolen base when you steal a base
CS: stands for caught stealing when you get out stealing
K: stands for strikeout
RBI: stands for run batted in
GP- games played
IP: innnings played in field
PO put-out ( a struck ball that is caught by a fielder, or a catch of a thrpown ball that results in an out
A - assist (a thrown ball that results in an out)
E: stands for error, errors are when a fielder doesn't field the ball well (such as bobbling it or missing a fly ball)
Fave - fielding average
DP - double plays

T - throws - which hand the pitcher throws with
GP - games played
ST - games started (doesn't add to number of games played; not sure why) maybe these pitchers were used as starters and not in relief, don't really know
C complete games
Sh - shutouts
R relief appaearances
FR -
SA - saves
WO wins
LO - losses
W/L Winning percentage
IP - innings pitched
BF- batters faced
AB - at bats faced
R - runs
ER - earned runs
ERave earned run average (earned runs given up per nine innings pitched
H - hits
2B - doubles
3B - triples
HR - homeruns
SH sacrifice hits
SF sacrifice flys
BB bases on balls
IB intentional bases on balls
HP batters hit by pitch
K - strikeouts
WP- wild pitches
BK - balks (an illegal pitching move judged to be deceptive to baerunner)

The items without an answer may be particular to that area's style of stat recording. Not sure I know them


Plate Appearances, At Bats, Runs, Hits, bave is Batting Average, Home Run, slave might be Slugging Percentage, idk GD, Sacrifice Hits, Sacrifice Flyballs, Walks, Intentional Walks, HP might be HBP which is Hit By Pitch, idk IO, Stolen Bases, Caught Stealing, Strikeout, Runs Batted In, Games Played, Innings Played, Pick Offs, Assists, Errors, fave might be Fielding Percentage, Double Plays

IDFK ur country uses weird names for stats and different abbreveations too
i might be wrong on some cuz they're different

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