j dddddd
Favorite Answer
search for it using as many of the exact words from the question as you can remember
If you remember what the question said then go to the search box under the ask|answer|discover buttons and type in what you remember. Find the question from there. Good luck
Try to remember someone else who did answer it, you may reccognize a name from the list, and see if you can find them in a question you two both answered.
I did this with a question I did not answer but wanted to show my wife some time later.
Michael B
Enter some key words from the question into the "search for questions" box.
If you remember what it was about, you can try doing a search for it using some of the keywords in it. If you knew what category it was in, you could try going back a few pages to see if you can spot it.
Also, you can look in your browser history to see if it's still there.