What is the immigration issue really about?
1. Securing our borders
2. Protecting American jobs
3. Racism and Xenophobia
Thank you everyone for confirming what I thought... that politicians are using fear to mislead us.
If this issue was about security, politicians would be talking about the even larger unprotected border to our North. Then again, Canadians are white, so they don't. Or they would be talking about our unprotected ports which is an even more important problem that needs to be solved.
And any economist would tell you we desperately need a guest worker problem and "just throwing them out" would send us into recession. A guest worker program is one of the few sensible solutions offered, but it has lost out to fear-mongering.
I'm not saying that border security isn't a real issue. And illegal immigration is unfair to those who want to come here legally.
But the issue, as currently defined by the politicians running for office, is clearly a "Willie Horton" issue. They are using race and hatred to get votes and it is despicable.