After the Matador has killed the bull......??
what happens to it's remains?
what happens to it's remains?
Favorite Answer
Could be as much as two ears and the tail, if the matador did a really, really good corrida. If it's the bull who's been excellent, the referees spare his life and he goes out to live a life of stud. It's nothing bad on the matador, just that someone thought this particular animal was worth more alive than dead.
The rest is beef. If you visit the lunch wagons outside the bullring, they might tell you that the burrito was from the bull. Me, I don't believe that, since there are a lot of burritos going into tourist maws, but it's possible.
The horns might find their way to tourist souvenirs, too.
After the bull is dead he is dragged out by a horse pulling carriage and taken to the cleaning area which is normally under the stands. Immediately he is hung on the beams and cut up and processed like he would in a normal slaughter house. The meet is later either sold or donated depending on the local practices. Nothing is waisted.
In some smaller venues, you can even walk over and observe the process up close. You can even ask for a certain cut and buy it on the spot.
Abolir Las Farc
Depends on how good the bullfighter is.. if hes good.. he gets an ear or two.. the carcass goes to the poor as food.
it becomes dinner for lots of people
exactly as they said