The dog is around a year old rottie / lab mix. When we got him we had a small gray barn cat that he played with and both were happy. We now have an inside cat (identical daughter to the barn cat) who is about 6 months old. When the cat is asleep the dog will go up and lay beside her with no problem, he doesnt even try to play with her. When she's awake the dog wants to sniff her, but if he gets within about 2 ft she becomes aggressive. Once he loses interest in trying to sniff her and wanders off she'll follow him around and attack him at random. She is not playing-she has claws out. He always runs away, but Im getting concerned she's about to hit his annoyance threshold-he will lash out eventually. How can I get her to calm down and accept him rather than seeing him as a threat?
We just got a bunny and she took to the bunny at once-theyre already grooming and playing together.
They cant be allowed to just work it out at this point. Ive been trying that. I know my dog, he's close to dealing with it himself-which means the cat will get seriously hurt or will die
Mort: The dog has never attacked the cat. The dog will eventually defend himself. You do not reprimand an animal for defending itself. He looks to me to take care of that for him, but since I cant control the cat Im running out of options short of getting rid of her.
Favorite Answer
I can't believe the cat likes the bunny! Amazing.
As to the dog, because the problem seems to be periodic as opposed to constant, that is harder.
You might want to keep the dog separated from the cat unless you can watch them. If the cat misbehaves, but it in the bathroom (or where ever its litter box is) for a minute. If it misbehaves again, repeat.
You could try this; wash the dog, then rub the dog with one of the cats blankets, or beds. Especially the dogs face.
Also if the cat continues to attack, try spraying the cat with a water gun or sprayer, every times she attacks.
You could also try holding the cat by the scruff of the neck, off the floor, and let the dog sniff the cat. The cat will be much calmer being held this way, and not easily able to scratch or bite the dog.
Ditto to what anybody else mentioned. Scratching, spraying and as Alan mentioned - a lot of human beings in basic terms dont like cats... their domicile their regulations. like it or no longer. comparable is going for canines nonetheless. there are a lot of places that only enable cats or "small" canines. it rather is descriminating against somebody like me who has super, o.k. behaved canines. (Thank god I dont lease to any extent further... in spite of the incontrovertible fact that having a loan sucks). notwithstanding, I artwork in real property and we've a extensive condominium portfolio... and there is another factor no person raised. Many Landlords wont enable cats using fact they have gardens that they've inspired close by animals and birds to occupy. we in many situations have them say "no cats, in any admire" (whether they are touted as indoor cats only), using fact tenants regrettably do no longer consistently do as they promise. using fact the asserting is going"as quickly as bitten two times shy". persons that have had a foul journey with cats - wont make the comparable mistake lower back - comparable is going for canines. playstation - sturdy success! and that i propose to do what the 1st poster reported. supply a "puppy bond" in case you may legally gain this on your section (which you will lose in the experience that your cat does injury. Or - supply and greater $5 - $10 a week lease no count if it remains low-value. money talks. leases in many situations finally end up going to the 'optimal bidder' with the purpose to talk. or you may consistently be lacking out to the guy who has no pets.
He is not clear that this is a different cat. The new cat is very young and is freaked by what her mother took for granted. Bunnies are not very smart, they adjust quickly. It really is just a matter of time. Your time and the animals' times are very different matters.
you cannot "make" an animal like another. but if your cat absolutely wont put up with your dog, i suggest you buy a small gate if you dont have one (you can find them in baby stores) and block a set of stairs so you can keep them on different levels. give your cat extra attention, because i have dealt with plenty of cat jealousy problems and if they think you like them more than the dog it tends to help.