whats the best way to "lighten" stretch marks?


Favorite Answer

The most effective way to handle this problem is to follow a proper care routine that prevents their occurrence. You can either use olive oil, flaxseed oil, vitamin E oil or cod liver oil for the purpose of massage. Check out http://useinfo-stretchmarks.blogspot.com/ for more useful info.


try coca butter.
theres stuff at drug stores you can get to lighten them
if you are still pregnant or just had your baby just wait a little while mine faded on there own about 2 months later
good luck


If your still pregnant, use baby oil everyday, I did and had next to none. If not preggo, i think most of the stuff on market is crap. They will fade out over time. The Joys of Pregnancy...

christy d2008-01-30T20:45:12Z

try that stretchmark cream from avon it works pretty good


coca butter or shea butter