How can I take files esp. music from one computer to another?

I ripped some music onto my computer to burn cd's. My computer now says it can't find a cd burner. I had one at one time, but where is it? I can't even save files on a cd. I need this information to be transferred to another computer. It was suggested to use a usb port but that's broken on both computers. The music is in windows media player and the files are in microsoft word. PLEASE HELP!!!!


Favorite Answer

send it to your e-mail, or send it to a word processing or storage site online, then download on the other computer. If one computer isn't recognizing the cd burner, delete the cd burner driver, then turn it on and try it from there.

Lisa Hollis2008-02-04T15:48:05Z

it may be slightly difficult seeing as how a usb cord would be your primary source of connection; what i can suggest you do if you have the patience is to create a gmail acct (via google) b/c they provide up to 3gb of storage and you can attach 20mb @ a time, so you can email yourself the files from your computer and download to the other... hope this helps :)


Adding to what osom1330 said...

You can upload your file at a site like It'll give you a link to the file, which you can copy and paste in an e-mail to yourself.