A Kid at my school with something on her head???

There's a girl at my school who has this REALLY disgusting red hole like thing on her head, and everyone tells the teacher what is it, but the girl says it's just a scab?? Yesterday, CLEAR GOO was coming out of it!!!! Anyone here might know what it is?? SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE


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It's hard to know exactly, but it might actually be a scab that's still healing. The thing is, she's best leaving it open to the air because that will help it heal quicker. Don't worry about it being contagious - it won't be.

But has it occurred to you that she may be REALLY embarrassed at the way the rest of you are reacting to her?

Try and put yourself in her shoes; say you had a horrible big insect bite on your nose and it got huge and red, and everyone in your class was talking about it - how would that make you feel?

Please try and be a bit more kind. It's not her fault.