what do you think cats dream about?


Favorite Answer

World domination.

Michele the Louis Wain cat2008-02-14T09:40:19Z

If you watch closely, you might be able to work out what scenario is being enacted or re-enacted in your cat's dream. Those little movements are all clues to what is going on inside that cute furry head. Though not all cats have hunted real prey, they have inherited all the right instincts. That twitching tail could mean 'stalking prey', 'poised to pounce' or 'seen something interesting'. When followed by a paw-twitch, a whisker twitch and a raised lip (maybe even exposing the canine) the dream prey has been dispatched. Teeth chattering and tail lashing probably means the dream prey got away.

Some cats who've suffered traumatic events, can suffer from nightmares and may show signs of distress or wake up whimpering. Others, may be remembering happy times; kittenhood, being groomed by mother cat etc.

Like people, some cats must dream more vividly or imaginatively than others.


All the dogs in the world shrinking to the size of mice, eating the dogs. Telling humans what they can and can't eat and when they can go outside. Humans actually sitting still for more than five minutes. Those are the good dreams.

The bad dreams: Mice that fight back. Dogs that actually catch them. Humans that leave and don't come back.


Hmmm let me see, think mine dream about:

finally catching the beta & pleco in the fish tank lol

testing out ways to pester me the next day..

winning the battle over who the boss really is..

boy there are so many things that they could be dreaming about that it could be anything but I do love that they choose to dream about them while laying on the couch with me :-)


I think there's a big cloud over their heads-like in the cartoons----with NOTHING in it but air. ...the images only pop up when they're awake. Hard to say. Cats see things people don't...like some microscopic DOT on the ceiling.....because they want to see if they can get us look up too..

Dogs, however...are probably dreaming of finally being away with getting into the trash and finding something absolutely disgusting to eat....or dreaming of howling along with his most favorite emergency siren...or he dreaming of finding a dream stash of already chewed gum...or finally discovering who's got the nicest smelling butt.

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