how do you spell cat?

hey every1! do any of you know how to spell cat? i know i dont.


Favorite Answer

ask your teacher on monday, or your parents right now.


You spelled cat correctly but an I is a capital and dont is short for do not so you need an apostrophe in between the n and the t.
There, all fixed!


Can't do it properly on here, but if you write it like that with all the letters touching each other, it looks like a cat sitting down. The 'M' is the ears, the 'O' the top part of the body and the 'Q' the lower part and the tail.
It was a family joke my dad used to show us when we were kids and we never got tired of it.


Dog. I think that's how you spell it. Where do you people get these questions?

Can't you come up with something better than that?


OMG u just spelled it....
i think u just wasted my time
about 2 minutes of my life was wasted because of this question ...........gosh

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