How do you rekindle passion for God in a heart that has grown cold?

I am reminded of the verse that says, "I believe, help me with my unbelief."

I WANT to believe in God. At some level I still do. But I have lost all passion, all zeal, and doubts have gnawed away at my faith and have become serious doubts. How do I stop this downward cycle and reclaim the passion for God that I once had?


I have no interest in becoming an atheist, thank you.


I have bipolar depression that has stripped me of my passion, my zeal, my faith, even at times my desire to live. I would give anything to have some passion about anything, especially God, back in my life.


Favorite Answer

I once heard a preacher say "tell the devil I doubt that doubt" If you are a beliver than u know the devil is a liar!! He does not want you to serve the Highest God he wants you to join him in his pit. Hey brother you are so loved do not let the world fool you the devill is here to steal kill and destroy that is his mission he works overtime for free.

You know I never doubted God before but I did loose my fire, just pray seek and ask god to forgive you pray for the fire to comeback, remember all the things He has done for you in the past reminisce on the past with Jesus He is the only way brother to get out of the firey pit, there is no other way do not get caught up in the world the world hates you, the world never did anything to help you get out the pit, this world is only temporary don't get caught up in it and all of it's misguidance's don't miss your mark. Follow Jesus, He truly is the One who loves you.


Stay with God no matter what. Pray to God everyday even if its once a day. You will become more warm to God if you do not quit beliefing or having faith in Him. Keep praying God will help you. He wants to help you though at the moment you are blind. Really open up your eyes your heart to Him and you will see again. God bless you child on your journey


Read John 8:44 and Revelation 12:9

Be wish about the advice you receive.


You are not alone! There are many people who feel like you. The
reason is that Christianity has accepted Jesus and thrown God
out of their lives. Love for God is inbuilt in our souls, but clerics say Jesus is sufficient to be a saviour.

No he is not. He was at best a pious prophet. He always called himself "son of man". Never, not even once he mentioned himself as son of God. He did not come out of no where but was part of the chain of prophets God Almighty sent to guide the humanity. From Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isac, Jacob,Moses to John and Muhammad. Their message is the same, "fear your Lord and follow me."

Pray in your heart, "Oh my creator!, I live thee and those loved by thee, so please help me reach the true path that leads to
you. I cannot survive without help from thee"

Say three times and say "Amen", every night for a week. You
will definitely receive guidance from God and will be lead to the right path!

Javed Iqbal

PS: If you need any further help, write to me.


Try this
How to begin on a path to self healing and spirituality?

1) Silently in your own thoughts ask for "The Spirit that Created All things" [1] to come into your life.
2)Still silently ask the Spirit for His name. You probably do not already know it and it isn't the one most generally taught.
3) Out loud ask for the spirits who love the name of (the name the Spirit revealed to you when you asked) to come near and bless your corporeal existence and assist you with your needs.
4) continue to converse with the Spirit in thought an as the corporeal evil ones attack you call out in the name you were given for the support of the corporeal entities who love that name (the name of the Spirit that made all things.) Once you have established a connection with the Spirit He will lead you in your thoughts and your experience will be to first think new thoughts as answers to your questions and needs and then find them to be fit with the word as you study it. It is not possible to understand the word of God without the Spirit.

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