Why do the Democrats forget the past lessons of history and want to force socialism's on America?

Example from history:

The Government big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have...The course of history shows as goverment grows, liberty decreases.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

(Thomas Jefferson)


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Democrats are power-hungry, which is why this country is going socialist, especially if 'Billary' or Obama gets elected. If either one of them gets in the WH, you can bet your next paycheck that this country will certainly be swimming in socialism and secularism as well - hang on to your hat - it's going to be a rough ride for the next four years! Liberals are nothing more than 'American dictators'!


Why do the Republicans forget the past lessons of history and want to force 'fasism's' on America?

Hmm... what's that you say? You think I've made an unfair characterization?

Ironic you should think that.

However, the first poster made an excellent point I'll expand on.

Not only do Republicans say that want smaller government only to increase the size of the same government more than and Democrat ever has...

Republicans preach fiscal discipline, of which there also has been none for the current president nor was there for the Republican hero Reagan.

During those presidencies alone, the size of the government and the our debt as a nation has gone up by orders of magnitude.

Also to interpret your Thomas Jefferson quote, I think he would roll over in his grave - you mean like special interests and corporate power indirectly eroding the working man's ability to earn a decent wage OR maintain their purchasing power? Yes, there is the impact of NAFTA - admittedly not working but do you honestly think Democrats came up with the idea of sub-prime lending? Do you think the leaders of WorldCom and Enron were big Democratic party supporters? Do you actually believe Exxon would have made 40 billion NET PROFIT without an oil friendly REPUBLICAN in office? Do you actually think paying 3-4 dollars a gallon is GOOD for the economy? Do you believe that higher oil costs are due to the war rather than just a little bit some gouging and collusion that is OK with Republicans because its all about business and business comes first, the people MAYBE can have the left over scraps if they are lucky?

Personally, I prefer to be told the hard truth rather than be lied to and told to move along because everything is great - no worries.

Have you ever read 1984? Truth is stranger than fiction and life DOES imitate art.

However, that' MY opinion... We are both entitled to have them though I respect opinions that understand things on a deeper level than talking points supplied without factual reality to back them up or hypocrisy oozing through the cracks.


The past 7 years having a republican president is still very fresh in our heads,

"goverment grows, liberty decreases" was this written before or after the Patriot Act?

Just because one isn't a fascist, doesn't mean that one is a socialist.

Let's not forget the lessons that bush taught us....

Sim - plicimus2008-02-28T06:18:59Z

And yet your man Dubya presided over the largest expansion of government since before Truman created the CIA, and DoD, in 1947!
We are what? 12 trillion dollars in debt; heading into a recession, Iraq is costing us all $16 billion a month; Dubya is giving us handouts from Unca Fed so we can all go blow it at Wal-Mart - but all you can do is to try and associate Dems with socialism? Wow!

ps: Try to quote Jefferson correctly in the future....


If they admit to the the facts of the world, they would cease to exist. So they keep fooling the uneducated. Remember they can't answer basic
general news items. For example, most students don't know won the American Civil War. With that many voters, it is possible the Deomcrats will get elected.

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