What about ethnic Christians?

I noticed that when ethnic people give praise to God, especially in the entertainment world, the politically correct, secular progressives give them a pass.

I am black, and feel proud when anyone praises God or Jesus, but it seems to me white people take fire for mentioning faith in any public way.

Athletes and entertainers often thank God or attribute success to God. Our Hispanic population seems to be overwhelmingly faithful, but I see only whites taking heat for proclaim their faith. If Obama becomes president and says, "I believe God made me president," would he take as much back lash as Bush?

The PC stuff is creating reverse racism and hate, and I feel white people have much obstruction in life as anyone else in this country, especially Christians.

Does anyone else feel the same way?


Favorite Answer

Nothing personal but i think, "reverse racism" is the most asinine phrase ever! Racism is racism and is just plain ignorant. Besides Christianity, politically correctness does seem to condition Americans to consider it OK to be prejudice against a white male. If one simply opens their eyes they will see it littered all over the television.

The Mighty Jah2008-02-29T10:31:10Z

You know I've been wondering about this same thing myself as a black american. It seems as if in this country minorities are almost expected to be more religiously inclined. I myself feel shocked still when I see a black atheist. I'm not sure where this stems from but it definitely seems to be a popular belief. I even find that when I meet people they almost automatically assume that I am religious. Which I guess I never minded due to the fact that I am. It's definitely an interesting concept and probably deserves some looking into. Great question.


There are no "ethnic Christians;" people of many ethnic group practice Christianity. The Armenians, the Georgians, the Syrians, and many ethnic groups of Ethiopia have all been practicing Christianity since time immemorial.


Yes, you are right.
White people HAVE become way too preoccupied with PC, and that adds to the aspect that we, as a race, are weak & subservient.

mg© - anti VT™ MG AM© Fundi4Life2008-02-29T10:21:31Z

this is a good point, "ethnic Christians" is the wrong term to use but i see what yur saying

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