Craigslist-is there a way to search a few lists at a time or?

multiple year searches? I'm looking for a classic car and would love to search the tristate at once or 1950-1959. Is there an easier way?

donna u2008-03-03T13:58:24Z

Favorite Answer

I don't think so. I use the craigslist all the time and I have not seen a way to search more than one state at a time.

You can try to google the type of car you want and the year but put the words 'for sale' in your search words.


unfortunately craigslist cannot be searched for more than one item at a time. Nor can they do a search of more than one city at a time. LiveSimon has a filter that alerts you of any new listings that meets your criteria, however I am unaware that craigslist has this feature. - The Free Auction and Classified Community.