What is a Assault Gun?

Is it a firearm that jumps out at You when Your not looking? Is it a firearm thatwalks around on its own and shoots people without a human being pulling the trigger? Someone please tell me how a firearm assualts anything. In My 30 years of firearm experience I have never been assualted by one these visious 'Assualt Weapons" everybody keeps talkin about. Get a life people and and quit blaming guns for actions of idiot humans! Baseball bats, pocket knives, cars, blenders and even skilets are assualt weapons and none of them can be fired.


Favorite Answer

Assault rifle??? No such thing. It is a buzz word of anti-2nd. Amendment politicians to condemn semi-automatic hunting/sporting rifles.

Our Nation is unique in having a 2nd. Amendment that guareentees the People the right to self defense against those with murderous intent and against dictator wannabes. Anyone who would destroy your 2nd. Amendment rights is an enemy in spite of any good intentions that he or she may profess.

Be careful how you vote.



In Truth any Firearm used to assault any person is considered an Assault Gun.* Think about it, because that is what you are doing, assaulting another human being or person with it.* Politics and Pro-Gun Control aside that is an accurate description of any Gun.* The same can be said for any other thing that is used to assault a person.*> Knife, Baseball Bat etc.. It is what it is, and if used properly would not be considered an assault Gun.*

NAnZI pELOZI's Forced Social2008-03-06T05:00:23Z

Assault weapon is the term used to sell more news print and local television time. It is also a term used by the Biased National Media to score points with their favorite Liberal 'Puritanical' political figure. You know the guys, or gals. They appear on national media events as pure and caring 'leaders'. Then they are usually found out to be money grabbing, whore chasing, drunking self serving twits....But I may be wrong...


The term assault weapon is just a catch all phrase coined by the ignorant news media, and anti gunners to demonize all guns. Semi-auto military style weapons are no more dangerous than a bolt action hunting rifle, or a .22 rifle.They all can kill you.


To liberals, they're. those are the folk who have confidence semi vehicle weapons will fireplace as long as you carry the4 set off down. The weapons centred of their so=-stated as attack rifle ban are no longer attack rifles using fact they do no longer furnish finished vehicle fireplace fireplace, in basic terms semi vehicle, the place you get one around every time you pull the set off., that's semi vehicle. The weapons they want banned are stated as black rifles using fact they resemble the finished vehicle militia variations, such using fact the semi vehicle in basic terms AR-15 is the civilian version of the M-sixteen. attack rifle is a term the liberal gun grabbers use to describe any weapon they do in contrast to. it truly is a meaningless be conscious exterior the militia or police equipment. The idiots who continuously whine approximately no one desiring an attack rifle to hun t with are only mendacity, and that they comprehend it. Did you notice deer or geese or rabbits suggested interior the 2nd exchange? No, using fact it truly is only approximately protection.

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