So tell me... (Election '08)?

LIST the order of the candidates from highest to lowest in your opinion.


Favorite Answer



John McCain
Ron Paul
Ralph Nader
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton

Maureen S2008-03-19T15:18:00Z

Obama then Clinton. I CANNOT understand how anyone would want to keep the Republicans in office after the last eight years. Some may say the Democrats are no better, but there is no way they could be worse.


I wake up every morning screaming "they elected a what for president" I do that more as a joke and it releases stress. After all laughter is good for stress. Even if said laughter is slightly racist. In the privacy of my own home I'm sure it's legal, for now. It made me feel more than anything that the republican party really let me down over the last few years. Obama won by such a large margin because the republicans have taken their citzens for granted. Also, I'm not thrilled with socialism in America. But a few good things came out in this election. Gay marriage was shut out in a mandate in three states. For those of us who prefer the norm of one man and one woman this is good news. Also, the dems did not get a super majority. This is good for everyone because no party should have a blank check there should be a balance of power. It is neat being a part of history and disturbing at the same time. Good luck my friends and relax we wil when back some seats in 2 years. It is America and regardless of how others have felt in the past this country is and always will be the greatest country in the world.


Mickey Mouse
Bugs Bunny

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