Please explain why?

I constantly see people posting comments that Obama should step down or step aside while he has the most delegates?

Darling J2008-03-23T21:37:35Z

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So, basically, why do they bring up such illogical questions like the one you sited?

Because they can. And some people are just too darn bored for their own good. Or has "Obama bashing" become a new hobby I'm not aware of?


If Obama cared about the unity of the party, he would step down. He can't win the general election; why give him the nomination so McCain can win? If MI and FL had been counted, Hillary would be ahead in elected delegates... but the Super-delegates would most likely still be involved. Even without those two major states, Hillary will win the popular vote.

Delegates (determined by voters) only decide the nomination if one of the candidates can earn 2,025 of them; it's NOT "majority wins." This is to insure there is a large enough majority to get a "safe" candidate. In this race, unprecedented on many levels, neither candidate will have enough delegates. It has to go to the super-delegates; whose votes weigh more, and whose only job is to determine elect-ability. They aren't supposed to be "fans", try to influence campaigns, have "favorites", or accept "deals" and "party favors". (Richardson set a poor example)

Republicans would love to run against Obama. If you think Hillary has been mean to him, just wait... if he goes against McCain, he's toast. Not only will Hillary will survive McCain, she'll out-perform him into the extremes. In politics, "like-ability" and "elect-ability" are not the same; if Obama stays in this race too long, he is going to hurt his own party... then he won't be liked or elected.

leticia b2008-03-23T21:25:16Z

um dont you mean hilary? obama is winning? if those hilary supporters are as naive as they claime Obama supporters they should recognize they're campaign is going down the crapper. Obama has got the delegate vote, Popularity vote AND hes raising much MUCH more money. The only ones hilary clinton is fooling offering a VicePrez to Obama are the morons supporting her. Shes just racist. If she cant be the democratic nominee no one can.


Neither should step down. They both are short of the delegate count needed to clinch the nomination. I don't see why one should step down when neither has won.


I don't really care who wins I'm still voting Democrat.
To be honest I don't know who should be president.
It would be nice if the one who wins chooses the other for vice president.

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