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Lv 5

Explain Or Not Explain To Him?

I just wanted some opinions and see what everything thinks on if I should explain this to him or not.

This guy I very recently started dating (I'm sure you are getting tired of hearing this LOL). Sun. morning his cats were fighting and I said something like "At least they can't talk". Then he said "I know there 2 girls that can't lie to me then or hide stuff from me". Well he doesn't know this, but my cousin told me that 4 months ago he broke up with his ex gf due to constant lying and hiding things from him, he just had enough with it.


So that morning I saw I had a call that I had missed and I didn't recognize the number. I called it and when I got the voicemail I found out it was my ex bf from 3 yrs ago that randomly called OUT of the blue. He must have gotten a new cell phone number. Well as SOON as I realized it was him, I hung up and said "S***" and he turned around and said "What's wrong". Well I immediately said "Oh it's nothing". Well afterwards it started to bother me that because of the already trust issues he has from his previous ex, that he might take that as "Wow she is already hiding things from me". I didn't tell him for reasons that I didn't want to involve him with silly drama, so it's a double edged sword for me! I mean maybe he didn't give it a 2nd thought, but in the off chance he did I don't want him to think I am "normally like that" as I'm a very honest person! If I were to explain, I wouldn't go into great detail.

Update 2:

For those that think I should try and explain it to him, if you could give me an example of how I should put it to him simply?

What should I do?

37 Answers

  • Windy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell him how you explained it here. That is was a number you did not called back...realized who it was....hung up and wished it did not happen. Tell him you did not want to hear from your old bf. You can't live your life with the fear of him not trusting you because of an ex. You are not that person who hurt him. He has to come to terms with his past and not put his trust issues on you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you're making more drama out of it than there needs to be. Why should you be freaked out by a call from your ex, and why would you hang up on him? A simple conversation with an ex is hardly a betrayal to your current boyfriend, (you're not having phone sex or talking romance with him, for heaven's sake) and you could have turned it to great advantage by letting your bf hear your conversation with the ex and informing the ex of how happy you are with your new bf, and you hope he's doing well too.

    So you're acting guiltly about something that you haven't even done, and wouldn't be wrong even if you did.

    Go ahead and admit the truth to your boyfriend, and laugh about it. Let him know that you were so eager to protect his feelings and have him be the only man in your life that you completely overreacted when suddenly faced with a blast from the past. Show him what you wrote to us, even. It's really not a big deal, and he shouldn't overeact either.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look, you're stressing way too much. You did nothing wrong. You didn't force your ex to call you, and you didn't call him back or anything. There is no relationship there. So, big deal? It really was nothing, just like you said.

    Now, your current boyfriend very obviously has some trust issues that are on his mind a lot, he thinks about it even when he hears two cats fighting. So, don't be sucked in to the trap of having to "prove" yourself and your worth to him all the time. He saw you as trustworthy or he wouldn't be dating you.

    You need to continue to be yourself, and to live and act according to your own personal morals and ethics.

    If IF IF your boyfriends gets worse obsessing about this trust issue, get him to counselling, and fast. The last thing you want is for him to devolve into a controlling, jealous, angry man because he hasn't dealt with his issues from the past.

  • You need to talk to him. Being open and able to talk about anything is the #1 key to a great relationship. Just let him know that you have no interest in your ex and you don't even know how he go you # or why he called. It shouldn't matter how long you've been together, you need to be honest from the beginning of the relationship or it might not last long. There's no point in being in a dishonest relationship, and besides if he truly cares for you he should be understanding. Just be honest with him and everything will be okay. Trust me, im speaking from experience. Good Luck!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Explain it to him: Even if he did not give it a second thought he will respect that you are dedicated to being honest.


    "Honey, Can I talk to you for a minute? (Yes, Dear) I did something stupid the other day and it has been really bothering me (Umm ok) Well, remember the other day when I got a phone call that upset me and you asked me about it and I said it was nothing? (yes I remember) Well the phone call was from an old boyfriend of mine and I have no idea what he wants or how he got my number. In the shock of the moment I told you it was nothing. (ohh ok) I know it is silly but I am an extremely honest person and little white lies bother me, so I could not feel better unless I explained it to you. (Ohh honey I love you so much you are so beautiful and perfect... I did notice but I thought I was just being jealous... Thanks for clearing it up) I love you to baby you are the best!

    Source(s): I had fun answering this question! Ha Ha Ha Good luck!
  • 1 decade ago

    Just say,

    "Hey Love, (or whatever pet name you use) Remember the day when I hung up my phone so abruptly? Well I didn't recognize the number so I called it back and it turns out it was an ex from like 3 years ago. You probably haven't thought twice about it but I don't want you to think I am keeping things from you so I thought I should tell you." .

    Next time he calls don't answer!

  • 1 decade ago

    ok ok you sound typical,let me tell you that if he ever finds out that it was your ex and you don't tell wow drama in the house,be sensitive to him he finds it hard to trust and well at least show him that you trustworthy by being open,just get to the point hat your ex called out of the blue but its nothing to worry about bcz h is a thing of the past...sorry girl but just be honest,i dont think you wanna feel guilty for hiding somethin like that,it would cause unnecessary fights and tension and im sure you dont wanna break up with so u can du it

    Source(s): me
  • 1 decade ago

    What I'm getting from this is that he whats to be completely honest with you and hiding something is also considered not trusting so if he finds out you hid something from him it will hurt him deeply. if you were to tell him about your ex calling then he wouldn't have to worry about trust, because you were honest about him calling. he wouldn't have to worry about you cheating behind his back. I see that as the biggest issue. if you have problems talking to him then that relationship won't work and the main reason would be trust issues. talking is the main way to show trust. But how to go about it is your decision, but i suggest going up to him and telling him. just put it as easy as you can, but don't keep the secret. i hope you find a way good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him. Even though you didn't answer he saw your reaction. Explain to him what it was and the only reason you said what you did was because he was there and you didn't want him to automatically think it was more because of his past relationship issues. Tell him you are honest to a fault (if you are) and you didn't want to keep anything from him. It this is a really new relationship then tell him you just wanted to start out on the right foot. Hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    In this case, you don't need to tell him about it because it is really none of his business. This has to do with your past not your present. If you don't call your ex and you let it go, then there's no reason to tell him about it. It would just give him another thing to worry about. You've just started dating him. But you do need to be open and honest with him if it involves him. Trust is based on honesty. If you do want to tell him about this, then just casually say "the other day my ex called. I have no idea what he wants but I don't want anything to do with him because I have you" Just keep it casual and short. If he ask questions, be honest.

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