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Paula D

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  • Could I have been misdiagnosed?

    I went to my doc because I felt I wasn't getting enough air out sometimes. She had me breathe into this thing to measure how strong my lungs were. I had over 60. She told me I had COPD. What? I freaked and thought I had a death sentence. She told me since I stopped smoking my COPD would not get worse, but would not get better. She shook my hand and told me good luck with my weight loss (trying to lose). I got no information from her, no meds, no follow-up appointment...I have never had Bronchitus, emphazima nor do I even have a cough. I do lose my breath easily when I exercise though. I know I am out of shape . I have read a lot about COPD and seem to have only one symptom...the breathing. Could I possibly have Asthma instead? Sorry for my spelling!

    5 AnswersCancer7 years ago

    Instead of using my remote, I turned off my TV with the actual button on the TV. I tried to turn it back on with the remote and all I get is a blue screen now. How do I correct this stupid move? I know it is just turning it all on, but every button I've pushed does nothing.

    4 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Too low of a paycheck?

    My son busted his butt at work to earn more money. His paycheck was 1,100.00 and he brought home 640.00 in his check. This CANNOT be right! That is almost 50%. Does anyone know what percentage is normally withheld? He is single with no dependents.

    4 AnswersUnited States8 years ago

    I, unfortunately, downloaded "shopathome" to get coupons. Now I have all this adware and the tool bar. They tell me to uninstall all I have to do is go to my control panel and then to change/remove and remove it. It isn't listed! How do I remove this if there is no listing of it? It is reeking havoc on my computer!

    2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • How can I print this out?

    I am using Microsoft Task Launcher. I had to add about 100 lines. The only thing that will print out is the lines that were originally there. It won't print the lines I added. Is there a way to print these?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Why does my air conditioner and cold water make me cough?

    I sit in my bed at night and do crossword puzzles. A lot of times I feel this sort of ache in my esophagus that makes it hard to take a deep breath and then makes me cough. I have central air and keep it at 68. I have also noticed the same symptom when I drink cold water. I've been freaking thinking it is esophagus cancer or something. The symptom only happens in my bedroom when I sit quietly and breathe steady for a couple of hours. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • What the hell is this stuff?

    Every now and then I get one single, pinhead size bump that itches like crazy. For the next few days I get a few more in different places. Example, one on my toe...then 3 in a row on my leg..and two in the crease of my arm. It isn't a rash so I am not sure what it is. It itches worse than a mosquito bite. Any ideas what this could be?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • Is there a totally free download to get rid of viruses?

    My computer is so slow and freezes. I cannot afford to pay for these downloads that charge to get rid of viruses. Most say free, but then want you to pay once they tell you that you have 1300 problems. Is there a site that is totally free and safe?

    5 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • Is this cards suck!!!?

    My son was sent a credit card. He lost his job and couldn't pay the 330.00 balance. Nine years later they are telling him he has to pay almost 2000.00. Six years ago they made an agreement and told him if he could pay 1600.00 they would make it even. He could only come up with 1500.00 He sent that in and then sent the 100.00 a few months later. Here it is the 9 years later and they are telling he owes that 2,000.00. He has already paid 1600.00 on a 300.00 card. They are taking him to court (today) to get the additional 2000.00. With that being said, he was only 17 when they sent him the card! I don't think it is legal since he wasn't of age. I am hoping they dismiss the case (except the 300.00). So the he responsible for the payment of 2000.00 since he was only 17 and would they have to pay back the money to him?

    4 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • The other night I got sick to my stomach as if I was going to get sick. That lasted a few minutes.?

    The sick stomach only lasted about 30 minutes. Within a couple of hours I had severe flu like symptoms...achy, feverish on the inside with no fever, freezing feet and chilled to the bone...I took to Bayer. Within 30 minutes all the symptoms were gone and never returned. This happens to me a couple of times a year. Before that my chest hurt when I took a deep breath, but even that went away. Anyone know what this could be? I have been in menopause for 5 years....possibly a reaction to that?

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Why can't I get onto Facebook?

    Every time I try to get onto FB it flashes on for about 2 seconds then it is a complete blank page. I've tried to reboot my computer, but not even that works. I have never had a problem before. Any ideas?

    11 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • I have a motorola blur phone can someone tell me how to send pictures from my camera?

    I need to send someone pictures of my car. I have no idea how to send them. Do I do it through text or camera?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Was the fuel filter put on wrong?

    My son has a 1991 Firebird. It was "bulking" when he would take off so a friend of his changed the fuel filter. Shut the car off and it wouldn't start back up. The next day I looked out and thought it had rained because the road was wet. I went out to look and found that the car had dumped all of the gas and oil on the ground. There was so much that it formed a puddle along side of my curb. Could the filter have been put on wrong? We are at a loss on what to do.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • My son gave blood over 2 weeks ago. His entire arm has been in pain since.?

    It is difficult to lift anything and is aching most of the time. He doesn't have a bruise at the injection site, but has numerous bruises (5) up and down his arm. Is this normal?

    1 AnswerInjuries10 years ago
  • Can a credit card company sue a person after 10 years?

    My son got a credit card at 18. It was a 300.00 limit card. He lost his job back then and didn't pay it. Over the years he has paid 1600.00 to take care of it. He is now 29 and they tell him he owes over 1000.00 and if not paid he will have a bench warrant because he missed one court date. Can they still come after him for this old card? They agree that he has paid all of this money on the card, but they say he has to pay interest and late charges.

    5 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • when should i apply for college grants?

    im a senior this year and when should i start applying for college grants?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • I have a two 9 year old cats. They have been together since they were kittens.?

    The one with the outgoing personality is starting to urinate on my rugs and even jumps on top of my dryer and pees on clothes if there are clothes on it. I am at my wits end! He knows it is wrong because when I pick up the rug, towel, etc he takes off running. I keep the cat box clean so it isn't that. I thought it may have to do with an infection, but with him jumping on the dryer to pee on clothes makes me think that isn't it either. For the first time, this morning, the towel reeked of amonia. Normally, I can't smell an amonia smell. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersCats10 years ago
  • I have microsoft task launcher?

    I have my business taxes in the spreadsheet. The columns that I added will not print so I only get half of my information. How do I get rest of the columns to print?

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • This is going to sound untrue, but I assure you it is and I am in turmoil?

    I was introduced to a man that just got out of prison for money laundering 30 years ago. He became a Deacon in prison and has a very strong faith. Now that he is out he gets to keep all but 25% of the money that he had stashed in different banks. The millions collected interest. He now has a few billions. I have only known him one week and has purchased a 52,000. vehicle for me because mine was breaking down. I didn't want to accept it, but he told me no strings and consider it a gift from God. Since he has been in prison for 30 years he is ready to hit life large and fast. He wants me by his side. I am scared out of my mind. I like my life. I worked hard all of my life and have been a single mom for 25 years. He is a very giving man and a sweet man. He is waaaaay to affectionate. It is almost creepy. I understand why, I just can't handle it. He doesn't believe in sex before marriage, but the constant touching, hand holding, rubbing my leg when I drive, etc. I am never left alone. This is very shallow, but I am not physically attracted to him. There has to be some sort of chemistry between two people in order for things to proceed. I try to tell him to slow life down a bit, but he says he lost 30 years and with this money we can fly all over the world and want for nothing. That terrifies me. That means I have to change my life and am afraid of losing myself. I have a feeling he is controlling and I am not one to be controlled. My heart vibrates from nerves and I am always sick to my stomach over this. It has only been one week and he has my entire life planned for me. He tells me he doesn't believe in prenups so what's his is mine if we get married. I don't want all that money in my life. If everyone has everything they could ever want in the world what else is there to dream about? I worked very hard for my nice home and my children's lives that has given me a lot of is what "I" did. If I have all the money I could ask for just handed to me I feel I will lose my independence and the ability to feel that pride again. Does this make any sense? I am so overwhelmed that I cry myself to sleep at night. It is all happening so fast that I don't have time to take it all in. This guy is in love after one week? He tells me he feels centered now because I am in his life. God sent me. That is a lot of pressure. He also thinks I should feel the same and seems to know all there is to know about relationships and how they should go. Everyone is telling me I am stupid, that I could have the world at my feet. Am I wrong for wanting to keep my simple life? This guy has come on so strong and feels he needs me to keep him in line with all this money. I don't want to be responsible for billions of dollars! I always picked the bad boys, the jerks. Here is a man who would be good for me so I am trying. Am I wrong for feeling the way I do?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Can someone please tell me what the #*!@ is wrong with my printer!?

    I have a Dell 946. I got it from a friend that only used it a couple of times. I am using Microsoft word and am trying to print a letter. The letterhead prints, but the body of the letter will not. I HAVE to get this letter in the mail. Can anyone smart person help me? :)

    2 AnswersPrinters10 years ago