My brother-in-law & sister-in-law are going for a vacation to Eastern Australia. Can they reach us by e-mail?
from one of the hotels there. Any good stuff to see? Sydney/Cairns areas
from one of the hotels there. Any good stuff to see? Sydney/Cairns areas
Favorite Answer
Of course they can reach you by email! why would then not be able to? Australia may be on the other side of the world but that does not mean that we don't have internet!
As long as we have satellites and electricity they can reach you, from almost anyplace in the world. There are a few black out spots, but that can be overcome with the right euipment, etc...
We live in the age of technology
Tracie B
yes then can e-mail you cairns is beautiful they could do the Sydney harbor bridge they walk across it its fun and safe my family is from there it is absolutely beautiful they will enjoy them selfs
They should be able to. My husband was in Japan last Aug, took his laptop and logged onto WiFi so we could IM. I know he emailed me from Indonesia about 4 years ago when he was there with his son.
Sure they can.......they are not exactly going to the is just Australia.