Do you think that the Pope.....?

Is "born again"?
If so, why; if not, why not


It would seem from some of the answers received that many are clueless when it comes to being "born again" Born again simply means being born from above as jesus said to Nicodemus in John chapter 3 and has nothing to do with baptism.
Baptism is something that occurs after a person in born again and not something performed in order to become born again.


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I have read many of his writings. All of them point to his belief in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Catholics are spiritually born again (and again and again) through:
• Belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior
• Living the Gospel to the best of our ability
• Daily rededicating ourselves to Jesus Christ
• Receiving new life in Baptism
• The forgiveness of sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation
• The infusion of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands in Confirmation
• Taking the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ into our bodies through the Eucharist (Holy Communion)
• Even during the penitential season of Lent

These are a few ways that Catholics are spiritually born again. We usually just don't use those words.

With love in Christ.

Catholic in the South2008-04-24T05:29:13Z

I don't know the Pope personally so cannot speak for him.

But in general if you are Catholic, you do not consider yourself to be "born again". We believe that God made us in his image and has loved us from the start and through all our choices, good and bad.

We also believe that you should follow Jesus in spirit and deeds, thus if you follow this path being born again is unnecessary. And if you fall from the path, then the sacrament of reconciliation, with true repentance in your heart, allows you to get back on the path.

So my educated guess about the Pope is that he does not think he is "Born Again"


The whole "born again" delusion is a typical low education American thing. It's interesting to note that protestants, being technically heretics, are doomed without any chance of redemption. This does make the "born again" thing sort of moot, from a Catholic (the only true religion) point of view.
Do I need to remind you that the Pope is the boss of the Catholic church ?


The question is both irrelevant and moot.

This is mainly because the entire concept of "being born again" is quite different for different people.

It also begs the question. It presumes that being "born again" is a necessary condition for being a Christian. This is debatable. It again comes down to what constitutes "being born again"

ROBERT P2008-04-24T05:34:30Z

There is no such thing as "born again" What do you mean by "born again" ? Is this something the Protestants invented?

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