Seriously - have you? I personally think that homosexuality exists as God's way of controlling the world population. Here's why: God is perfect - right? So how can He be against it? Not only that, but if everyone in the world since time began were str8, there would be no open land left by now......think about it & let me know what YOU think.
[Scrubs] Jelliot Fan SVB2008-05-03T11:30:38Z
Favorite Answer
Yes, I have. My mother and I talk about it all the time. She feels it is against God's will, but I have nothing against those that are homosexual.
How would you feel if someone else was placing your life decisions under a microscope? How would you feel if someone told you that your dependence on religion is a psychological need to be enslaved to something, stemming from your inability to come to acceptance of the unknowns of the universe?
Doesn't feel too good, does it? How do you think it makes the homosexuals feel when you pass judgement and tell them that they are Gods way of culling the herd?
It's a genetic predisposition of preference. Philosophically, one can not explain homosexual tendencies in the same way that people can not explain why certain foods are more delectable to some people rather than others.
I am not a neuroscientist nor a psychologist, so I am not so arrogant or crass as to believe that I know the origins of homosexuality. To me, it's a lifestyle choice, I could no sooner convince someone that Pepsi was better than Coke than convince them why they should (or shouldn't) become a homosexual. They have the right to love whoever they wish, It is neither mine, nor the states, business to tell them otherwise.
And if your God is so benevolent, then why does he have such a utilitarian viewpoint of the matter? What if your God created homosexuality because he knew that the person would be happier with a member of the same sex as their partner? Isn't that reason enough? Does God not want us to be happy, or does he want us to be cogs in the machine?
with out to begin any argument with anybody ,i wanted to add that homosexuality it is not a creation of God ,but a result of humans internal desires manipulated by spiritual forces against God principles and values. God is holy and He will never, ever will allow and accept the homosexual lifestyle as normal to His precepts .when I say people manipulated by spiritual forces, I am talking about demons in the people. And the reason why assume this is real, is my best friend testimony. after he wanted to change ,because of his inadequate living style, he recognize looking in his genitals that he was created as a men and the consequences of his previous homosexual life was the root of sin, rebellion, disobedience, idolatry, alcohol, drugs, and twisted sexual desires to his same gender. And this is true, as I can tell even if you are or not a God believer, doesn't mean that God don t exist. This is a fact and our decisions consequences are the result of what we do, sadly.
It would be nice, I identify as a lesbian so of course I want to be accepted by the rest of the world. Unfortunately it's kind of the same thing as racism, there will always be people who don't understand and so can't accept it. Some people believe you can choose who you love or are attracted to, just like some people think certain races are superior to others. It's hard to change that person's mind when they haven't been victimized by that kind of oppression. I think as the years go by it will become more and more accepted, but I think it's going to be a long time before we live in a world that is completely blind to skin colour, orientation, gender, or religion.
you know its not about population . population is controlling by death. every thing is in gods hand .if population wants to be more he can control it. we just have to leave in a way that he ordered, and we our selves can figure that out with just a little taking a look in our holy book. each religion give us our way for the best life and happiest life. and being homosexual is not the way for having a last long happy life. it may give us a little happiness at first. but by the time passes you will lose all those happiness easily.