I wish to know how "Its me again" is dealing with the loss of her cat?
2 days ago she posted to this forum about the loss of her best friend. If she reads this I just want to pass on some great links that have helped my wife and I deal with the same issue.
Here is one of them; http://www.pet-loss.net/guilt.html
It would also be helpful for her to read the responces from my contributors when I posted a question about the death of our cat; http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ahh2WHrtjsS8TNu5xq0ykRMjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080504063721AAMYW7m
Its me again.............I cant email you or repost to your question but I and all the cat lovers here want you to know we share your sorrow and pain. Do not hesitate to email me through the yahoo questions forum if you want to talk with me or my wife about this. -william g