How to control our inquisitiveness ???

some times we so curious to know something that we get restless how to handle such situation ??

Harish Jharia2008-05-09T09:24:37Z

Favorite Answer

Let our curiosity… inquisitiveness… stick to our nature…
If we lose it… then we would become 50% lethargic… insensitive… and inert…
Inquisitiveness drives us to explore new frontiers… and discover the hidden secrets of this nature…
We even do not know much about ourselves… sometimes we even try to analyse ourselves… as sometimes... we look strangers to ourselves…
however, we should not be curious about strangers...


There is no way to totally stop inquisitiveness in any living thing. But a good way to hande it at the time is to just distract yourself.
Watch a tv show or movie, read a book, research something you're interested in, do some work, or even just have some tea and relax. The simple act of making the tea alone will get your mind off the subject, and get your train of thoughts going in another direction which could even stop you thinking of it for days afterwards.


Well there's inquisitiveness which is why we learn and discover.

Then there is nosiness. There is a big difference.

To want to learn and discover is nothing to be controlled. Embrace it. However, nosiness should be controlled. If you find yourself too consumed with other's business, then you need some more hobbies of your own.

Enfant Terrible2008-05-09T15:43:14Z

yes we often get really anxious over petty things and want to know without any reason. to solve this, try to busy urself; and don't let others impose upon u in an intimidating manner. Also try overlooking thnigs, and keep on practising, even if it doesn't help u 100%,,,it willbe solved slowly and gradually.


why would you want to "control" your inquisitiveness? that's the drive that makes us what we are, and keeps us on our toes. there's no need to suppress that, in fact, it's probably unhealthy.

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