Why did somebody found this poem offensive? 2 of 2?

In Screams Aloud… 2 of 2

A sight to strike me dumb, this vision appears
In mist it comes and turns to be
A maiden is she, saying unto me
“This night you will be free!”
What’s that you say?
What is it that comes this day?

“Thru the empty years and hard felt tears
I have awaited you
Thru the chilling nights and times of fright
I have awaited you”

“Why do you not know it is life which you fear?
This thing you do not hold at all dear
You live in an empty world totally devoid of cheer
No one to love, any souls or kinsmen who you hold near
Alone you are, alone you have been
But this night I shall set you free!”

raphael d2008-05-09T13:13:41Z

Favorite Answer

It reads like a poem about the angel of death coming to set a poor soul free! The implied meaning is Death is to be set free. This is the part that could disturb someone! It romanticizes Death as a maiden who has awaited him. It doesn't bother me but it can be offensive to some others!