There is a cetain point when someone asks for help ....?

and you recognize yes they need help and you give it or you recognize they need to take responsibility for themselves. Where is that line between the two? I recognize it but can not describe it.

GEORGIA ON MY MIND2008-05-11T11:06:58Z

Favorite Answer

I give what I can but will stop if the person I'm helping doesn't realize that they must take responsibility for their own destiny. There is only so much you can give of your time and you will not fix the problem. The person who has this issue is the only one who can fix it. I reach that line after the second time I help those who can help themselves. It's ok to be fooled twice. Just don't let it happen a third time. The first time I think "It's ok I tried" The second time I say "alright It's the last time!" The third time I'm thinking "Damn!" "I'm just stupid!" (O_O)


For me it's when I feel that they are fully capable of dealing with it themselves. There is no reason why they would need help other than them not wanting to do it for themselves. That often, but not always, means that they are "repeat offenders" and that experience has made me wiser.