Tomato aspic for Mother's Day?

Possibly someone will enjoy my mother's recipe.
Glorified Tomato Aspic by Mrs. PCC, 1902 - 1997
3 cups tomato juice
1 med. onion sliced
2 stalks celery chopped
2 packages gelatin softened in 1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
dash of Tabasco

Heat tomato juice, onion & celery until tender.
Strain & remove onion & celery.
Cool liquid & add gelatin & other ingredients to liquid.
Pour liquid in greased mold & place in refrigerator to firm.

Heat 1 can tomato soup, no water.
add 2 packages cream cheese, stir well.
Cool & add 2 packages gelatin softened in 1/2 cup water.
Add 1/2 cup fine chopped bell pepper.
Add 1/2 cup celery chopped fine.
Add dash of lemon juice.
Stir & pour on top of first mixture, place in refrigerator until firm.
To remove aspic from mold, place in sink with a little warm water briefly. Turn mold upside down on plate.
Hope you enjoy.

a cabingirl2008-05-12T02:02:31Z

Favorite Answer

My Grandmother used to make something very similar- I think it had horseradish as well, and she served it when we had a ham or a roast- there is a very funny book titled " the Gallery of Regrettable Food" with pictures from that era of cooking- my daughter and I have just sat and laughed for hours at the pictures. It really ( the food) was not bad- but the pictures were..........