Da Carter 3 your opinion on it.?

lil Wayne Isn't the best rapper alive and he proved it on this album. He thinks he's hard when he has had a record deal since he was 13 come on now tear drops he hasn't shot anyone. He still gots to prove it to me.


Favorite Answer

Yeah, Lil Wayne is completely full of himself and I don't think he has any reason to be calling himself the best rapper alive. He likens himself to MLK by saying that he was at the same hotel, stayed in the same room, and ate at the same places as MLK. Tha Carter III didn't have enough featured artists on it. In my opinion callabos are the difference in just another song and a hit. He didn't even have Birdman, his so-called father, on the cd. A lot of the beats were tight, but lyrically it didn't quite do it for me. I think Like Father Like Son is what Tha Carter III should have been.


hey moron tear drops dont only represent killing.. its also 4 pain. the best rapper alive is just a phrase thats catchey. he must be doin something or you wouldnt speak on him period