who is more rasicst, Don Imus or Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?

just wondering what everyone else thinks. They are all rasisct, but im just wondering what other people think


to answer somebody's question to why this is in the basketball section, i figured a lot of people would be on today asking draft questions


Favorite Answer

Al Sharpton is the most racist person on this Earth.


1. Why is this in a basketball section?
2. Jesse Jackson's bearable...barely.
3. Imus is stuck in the past. It's not really his fault. His parents were REALLY racist and that's what he was exposed to.
4. Al Sharton's the scum of the earth. If anyone was to be referred to as the salt of the earth, this man...thing? ain't it!!!


Don Imus


None of them are racists. They're worse. They are racial capitalists. Don Imus spouts racial stereotypes to create controversy (ratings) for his radio show, while Jackson and Sharpton use race to improve their political position.


Jesse and AL are and they have made a nice living out of it...Imus just made a comment that was off color..those other two are freaks

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