What do you think about the Caylee Anthony case of this little girl missing?

There is so much going on with this case..so many things don't add up. Just was wondering what you thoughts were on this case.
Caylee is from Florida, missing since June, mother fail to report her missing. Grandparents called the police to report her missing. Mother remains in jail and has charges against her. Law enforcement is very actively investigating this case. It is a major media thing.

Twilight Princess2008-08-07T14:37:45Z

Favorite Answer

I think that Casey knows what happened to Caylee, and was responsible for the child's disappearance (but not necessarily death... unfortunately I do think Caylee is dead by now, but it could have been an accident and the mom just didn't know what to do a la Freedomland) and the grandmother knows that Casey knows all about it, and is responsible, but refuses to believe that Casey would actually do something like that.


I watched an interview yesterday, what it seems like to me is the family is being silenced by someone, they know something that they can't say or the people who have the child will harm her.

The first thing that came to mind while watching the story and coverage is that some crazy messed up person has this child and is testing the system, to see if they can find him/her maybe a parent who has lost a child who's gone completely bonkers and is "giving it back" to the system, I have no real idea but I seriously without a doubt think those people are being silenced by the people/person who has the girl, the grandmother kept saying I told them all " I can" not all I know and she was really disturbed, either way I really hope they find this little girl its so sad.

Yeah soul I seriously watch to much CSI :0) If you do think about it though its really the only logical answer (other than the mother harmed the child but lets hope for the best in this situation) , this is getting amazing media coverage just what a person who is testing the system would want, and honestly the entire family does not seem "franitc" I don't beleive that any mother or granparents would be calm in this situation unless they knew what was going on to some point. Something is fishy and its not about money. The grandmother didn't cry or show any emotion other than disturbed and held back...

These days its not a far fetched idea.. sadly.


"I watched an interview yesterday, what it seems like to me is the family is being silenced by someone, they know something that they can't say or the people who have the child will harm her."

You are insane. LOL No one is silencing them! The mother did something with that little girl. And the grandparents are just delusional.

I've been following this case very closely. Casey Anthony is a habitual liar and hasn't told any truths since this whole thing started. She knows EXACTLY what happened to that little girl. The grandparents need to stop blaming the media...and then need to open their eyes. Their dear daughter did something to their prescious Caylee.

That poor little girl has paid the ultimate price for having a selfish, immature, lying, pathetic excuse for a mother.

I hope she burns in HELL!

jamie bb2008-08-07T07:38:39Z

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. But who doesn't report their child missing.Then lies about many important things. My dog was missing 1/2 hour and I was worried. I'm assuming the baby is no longer with us. Maybe she left her in a hot car,the baby feel in the pool or sold to drug dealers,whatever. The mother really should fess up. Caylee deserves justice for whatever has happened to her. As for the parents they know the truth.


The baby was left alone in the back yard, she climbed up the pool ladder and drown, once Casey realized and discovered her, she freaked, tried calling Mom, then Dad, then Mom again, then Dad, until she started thinking she needed to hide her mistake. She gathered up Caylee, wrapped her up, put her in the shed, then took her out into the trunk, and saw she was low on gas, took gas out of shed, then drove off and buried her. Then took off to start coming up with a plan to explain why Caylee is gone. She took over 20 days to finally come up with this "kidnap" story. This gave her time to greive for her daughter and accept her neglect and mistake, and to be more calm in being supporting her story. All in all, this woman is just plain stupid, once she is charge with Murder, she will try to tell the truth what really happened, no one will believe her. So instead of being charged with CHild Neglect resulting in an accidental death, she will get charged with 2nd degree murder, and instead of possibly getting probation for neglect, she will get 25 years in prision with no parole.

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