19 year old son with bad break up?
How do I help my 19 year old son get over a break-up after being with this girl for 5 years? I remember my heartache of my first love and I know it just takes time. He has been crying for days and all I can do is hold him. That make him sound like a baby but he is not, he is usually the most toughest kid when it comes to emotions. I cry when I think of how bad he is hurt. They live together, got evicted and then came to stay with me. Last week she came home from work and said she was done and didn't love him anymore. I try to comfort him but also try to make him face the reality that this may be truly over. He is threatening suicide. She has come back everyday to pick up 2 or three things, she still has closets and draws full of her stuff plus a packed basement. Everytime he comes he loses it and breaks down. I try to tell him time will help but right now he doesn't believe me. I think the relationship just ran its course because they were high school sweethearts. I love her like my own but my son is my son and he is my priority. I told him maybe he should join the service and his answer was I didn't in the first place so that I wouldn't be away from her and if I do know, I know I will have lost her for good. How do I help him? I love him way too much to see this heartache and it brings back all the emotions i felt with my first love. She can't come back and pick up two items each day and then look him in the eyes and tell him she is done. I told him she needed to take everything so that way when he goes into his room, he is not reminded of her. He didn't like may answer....he says I'm making him cry to much. I love and adore her but how do I tell her without hurting him that if it is over, take everything so he can move on? My kids are my life and when they hurt, I hurt. They have always been my number one priority. He wants to die right now, says he has no future and would rather do something stupid so the police shoot and kill him. I tried to talk him into going to the mental health clinic to be admitted and he wouldn't hear of it. What does a Mom do when she is given this feedback when all she wants is for him to know she loves him and would do anything if possible to make things better. His heart is broken worse than mine, but I am crying my eyes out for his sadness. Please any advise would be appreciated
please replace some of the "know" words with now....I'm so baffled by this i can't grammatically spell right
the only drug I would give him is valium to calm him down. He does have ADHD but will not take medication
RB I like your answer, but I'm not a believer in god. I am a buddhist and believe in karma and the buddhist theory of karma is not that your life and future made of past mistakes. It actually relates to Newtows Law of Physics that for every action there is a reaction and your decisions today reflect your tomorrow. But I did like your answer of faith and thoughts
Her answer of breaking up with him was not anything he did but that she thought the relationship had run its course. Personally, i think she may have found someone else at work. I agree she needs to make a clean break and him not be here when she does.