Anyone look at the new Lincoln MKS yet?

Just curious what other car people think. The press beat it up a little, unjustifiably I think. They said it was priced too high, but at 47K loaded, nothing even comes close. It rivals a 7 series BMW & a S class MB in some features but is priced lower that a 5 series and an E class, and is certainly as advanced if not more.


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Did you say "rivals the 7 series and the S class?" What are you smoking? The MKS is built off the Ford tauras/five hundred sedan, which is the size of a 5 or an E and is priced just a tad lower at the 47 grand mark. Forgetting about size and features, what were they thinking making this a front wheel drive luxury sedan, frankly, there is no such thing. Even in its awd form it's still front biased which will greatly affect it's handling ability. The car has nice features, but i'm afraid to say, they missed the mark again.


The MKS appeals mostly to the 55 and over demographic. And to current owners of the Town Car. Is this you? If so, then you'll be happy with the car. If not, you should look elsewhere.

The MKS is a big step up for Lincoln. But that isn't saying much for a car company that has an average owner age of 68+. Sure it handles well for a Lincoln, has an impressive interior and a lot of room inside plus a huge trunk. But, it sill can't compete with the Audi A6, BMW 5, MBZ E class or the Cadillac CTS, the car's competition.

The MKS uses a lot of chrome trim. A major turn off for the younger buyers. It also has a over sized grille that many 25-45 year olds find offensive. It's an improvement over everything else they've built. But it still falls short of it's competitors in styling, handling and the most important factor, the "must have" emotion.

Cadillac has taken great strides forward in rebuilding its image as a car company that can take on the German imports. Unfortunately for Lincoln, it will always be thought of as "an old man's car". The MKS is a huge leap up for them but it still has that stigma of being a car for your grandparents. And that will reflect in its resale value a few years from now.

I don't sell Cadillacs or any of the MKS's competitors so take this advice as being candid from someone who's been in the business all his life. I hope it helps.