Which weird looking cat breed do you think is Cutest?


I like the fold one.

Trixie Delight2008-09-22T20:05:42Z

Favorite Answer

I think the Scottish Folds and the Manxes are adorable! But then again, I think ALL cats are adorable, only some are more adorable than others.



That's a pretty bad representation of a Scottish Fold and a Persian. Scottish Folds are not squinty-eyed nor are Persians.

Scottish Fold - http://www.freewebs.com/elain-puisto/Scottish%20Fold.jpg

Persian - http://www.ferretocious.com/cats/chanan/percy-10.jpg

I don't really think any of these cats is "weird". I guess I'd pick the Persian as I have one. But all cats are special and "weird" in their own way.


I like either the American Curl, Manx, or Norwegian Forest Cat. We had one of the Norwegian Forest Cats and he weighed almost 32 pounds. He was a great cat.


I had a Max named Peanut years ago who had no tail at all. Not even a stub of a tail.However out of the photos you provided I couldn't pick one because all cats are the cutest.

tasha w2008-09-22T20:05:14Z

EXcept for the EXTREME grumpy face, that persian looks exactly like my himalayan...too cute!
So although I am obviously partial to the himmies, I think the Norwegian Forest cat is just gorgeous