My cat is a biter, how can I make him stop?

My cat has bitten my girlfriend and broken the skin. We're not going to give him up or put him down, just looking or advice on how to stop it. He is 3 and we've had him since he was a kitten. He bit her once before a long time ago but sometimes when he's being handled he will try to bite if he doesn't want to be. Otherwise he is a really good cat.


They were playing, she wasn't holding him and he just grabbed hold of her arm with both paws and bit really hard. All for canines broke the skin but it still seemed like a play bite and not a warning.

Peter Griffin2008-09-25T11:26:47Z

Favorite Answer

Cats have canines? the world has gone topsy turvy.

Did all FOR really break the skin? what are they, 3 muskateers teeth? geez.

FYI , i just farted at work and Jess smelled it but didnt wanna call me out on it.. HA, I love it.

Michele the Louis Wain cat2008-09-24T16:16:26Z

Some cats simply don't enjoy physical contact, or have a very low tolerance of being petted. If this is his personality there isn't much you can do to change it, but you may be able to increase the amount of time he'll tolerate being handled before he lashes out. This article has helpful advice on how to do this.


Everytime the cat bites, or even knaws on your hand or opens his mouth around your hand, shove a finger down his throat. Not extremely, but just enough to gag him. He will see that biting is not a pleasant expirience, and eventually stop. If you don't want to do that, a simple flick on the nose, or a small smack. Remember to scold it by saying NO. Just so he knows what he is doing wrong.


peter v rocks!! but watch out because some guy was charged with farting at a police officer, ha. as for the cat, a squirt gun or the finger in the mouth thing works really well. my mom's cat does that but never to me and i know why.


Sometimes it depends on where he is being touched. I had an ol' tomcat once that when he got to about 3 or 4 he would not let us touch him any place except his head, ears, chin or back.
If you tried to touch his stomach,paws or legs and sometimes his tail you would get the claws.
I think they just get touchy.

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