its a 1990 nissan 300zx 5sp manual there's the link to the listing of it.
i know that the car is somewhat fast, and its my first car, but your opinion would be great
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overall it looks pretty durable! could u get pix of underneath? u want to make sure its not too rusty even though i doubt it will be. the weels look rusty. how many miles per gallon? think about the future with it, gas, how many seats are in the car, what it will be worth in the future if u need to sell it for a different car. check the safety features, especially since its your first (believe me, your most likely going to get into some kind of wreck) i dont know the price of it but i wouldnt pay over 5 or 6 thousand for it you can get a much better car for that price.
them domestic cars which are worth 5,000 are usualy from 1998 and are in almost perfect condition with approx 80,000 KM
that car u gettin aint worth it, the large bulk of the price i am sure is due to his new paint job
i am from canada and to me thats a bad deal and things are more expensive here than the US, so that just makes ur case worse :P
look into toyota or honda, they excell in reliablity, u dont want to be buyin a used car to only end up paying more than what u paid for just in repairs
Well, it all depends on who is covering your insurance. If its with your folks, go for it. If it's on you. You will be sorry. As far as the car being fast, that doesn't matter. All cars are fast. It is the driver that determines the speed. If you are responsible, you can drive whatever your money can buy. If you are irresponsible, you can be in just as much danger in Granny's station wagon. Good luck. Be safe on the road.
dont get this car ha i like all the cars wiring on the floor. i would get a honda civic or a minicooper minis are great cars to drive good handlein get 40 mpg highway no matter wat the car description says.also u can get a used cooper-s with added engine upgrades from previous owners for same price as a cheap mini