Republicans: A Question About The Democratic Voters?

What do you have to say about them?

I've been looking through many "Elections" questions on Yahoo! Answers today and they seem to have a very strong voice and high "Thumbs Up" ratings.

This makes me nervous.
Not because I'm afraid McCain will not win- I'm quite confident that he will, but this seems like a big step than what things were a few months ago.

Has Obama really brain-washed all these people on false hopes? How can they believe his words?

Please, make any comment you like, but keep it clean.
Thank you.


McZILLA, WINKIN' ATCHYA...that's just the thing. Only you would have to bring up the fact that I asked to keep it clean. Republicans can respect that and you have to sink to that level of cruelty.

You're telling me I'm new? Please...I've been in this game for a long time, and am staying put.


Ah, there are some great answers out there. Thank you all for taking the time to post a comment and show me there are still sane people in this universe.

Christopher P2008-10-10T21:06:24Z

Favorite Answer

Most republicans were working today, so they weren't on Y/A. That's probably why there were so many democrats online at that time.

Captain Jack ®2008-10-10T21:17:40Z

Democrats, as usual, prey on people who have no clue how a federalist republic really works. These are the same people that think the president is some omnipotent demigod that can make anything so by his will and a wave of his hand.

These are the same folks that believe that the economic prosperity experienced during the Clinton years just magically happened the day he was elected, instead of the hard work of Regan/Bush 41.

Democrats promise change and raise taxes. People also seem to forget that Democrats are war mongers. EVERY major conflict in the last 100 years, other than the two gulf wars, were under democratic administrations.

True, Bush 43 wasn't a great leader, but that's no reason to throw the baby out with the bath water, like the Democrats want you to believe.


Doc Watson2008-10-10T21:19:38Z

I vote for some Republicans and I vote for some Democrats. I can do this because I'm a Moderate Independent. So, sometimes I'm a Republican (Go! Arnold!)

As to McCain winning, it's hardly likely. Barack Obama is so far ahead in the electoral vote count that even if McCain won the popular vote, Obama is still going to be our next president.

Far too many of Barack Obama's supporters are young (21 to 41) voters, keenly aware of what's going on, connected to the Internet, knows each lie when it's told and passes on the lies to be debunked by fellow supporters. It's hardly unlikely this many younger, educated people are 'brainwashed'.

Old hippy types and yellow dog Democrats aren't the same as today's young Democrats. The Swift Boat tactics of the Karl Rove crowd have failed this time around because too many people are too informed.

If you say Obama has lied these types will instantly know you're lying.

I've tried and tried to get people to stick to the issues. I'm warned the YA McCain supporters that the smears won't work this time. Too many old school conservatives are too stuck in the old dirty politics way of thinking. Dirty politics aren't very effective in an internet connected world.

All I can say is we should have nominated Mitt or Rudy.

EDIT: I just gave you intelligent, rational reasons why it has gone wrong for MCain. You can give me all the thumbs down you want, you can deny that the old tactics don't work, but if won't change the truth.

Democrats will controll both parties until Republican politictions step into this new century and adept to a new style of campainging. The more you deny the more your party dies.


The **** has hit the fan and most people trust that changing the incumbent party will provide some relief. I cant say that is right or wrong but I do know that whoever wins will be screwed. The economic problems wont be their fault but in a few months when the new president is inaugurated thats when we will be really feeling it. And all that blame will be on the new president.

No Republican, Democrat, Libertarian whatever is mature enough on an anonymous post. Politics and the internet brings the "nyah-nyah" out of EVERYONE!


People are so desperate to matter...and I think Obama has given people soem kind of false hope! He is so not deserving of the whitehouse! If he is so for the poor people then I sure would like to know what he or his wife have done to help anyone out! All he does is help himself gain more power so he can take control. Farrachan the Islamic leader said today that Obama is the Messiah the chosen one that he has captured the youth! That is some crazy S**T! If I weer the youth Id be saying no one captured me and Id educate myself and vote for the person right for america not the false hope grasping terrorist loving extremist! I hope Americans stand up to this and vote McCAin/PaLIN '08

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