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Republicans again screwing Ohio democratic voters?

It is reported that Blackwell who played a Katherinre Harris role in 2004 in Ohio in his dual role as cochair of the reelect Buish the secretary of state doing everything possible to disenfranchise poor, minority, and college student voters (traditionaslly democratc)(and who is currently running fo governor) is at it again. It is reported that over a million voters (mostly democrats) were purged from the roles and will give Ohio to the republican candidates.

Will these cheaters stop at nothing? It will supposedly also happen in Florida and 2 other states. I know and trust the man filing the lawsuit. He is a passionate voting rights expert and sued Bush for voter disenfranchisement (with 3 other attorneys) in Moss v Bsuh. Bush and Cheney ignored the court depositions. I'd like to see us ignore the court. Does this make anyone angry--I heared a man who voted 50 years in the same


precinct in 2004 at the Board of WElections talk of how he was purged from the role state I guess my vote don't matter anymore." It seems many people's don't if they are poor, black, or young in Bush's america..I wnat to know why don't people care and will our votes ever count again. I knew Blackwell would somehow be rewarded or his part in winning Bish the election, but I didn't suspect they would try to purge so many people from the voter roles. Does anyone elese agree this is do people fall for the lie that these people are Christians. Blackwell gores to all these prayer breakfasts and churches campaigning while stealing the votes away from people..who might vote against him..What can be done? Does anyone care? I learned so much about vote fraud, it makes me ill..

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I suppose, only if the dems. are all 15 year old boys?!

    To the answerer above me: You'd be a "crybaby" too if you had the entire country condemning your political party, as it is, however most of our country are arrogant, rich, ignorant republicans. Those are the three words that describe EVERY republican i know, and that is not an exaggeration.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can learn alot from the four blind men and the elephant story but it doesnt make it right....Tch tch almost wonder if Hllary programs this mean spirited republican garbage. First, WHAT role...Katherine Harris did her job...nothing more or god in a nation of hundreds of millions of people you could microcosm any vote...YOU was close but YOU LOST...get over it.

    And as for Blackwells role, what would you have the state do...a vote over. If you and the voters of Miami and Dade county dont understand the vote or how to, it appears to me you have much more serious problems than the vote outcome.

    I live in Ohio, the vote was never in doubt here and as for the disenfranchisation you"speak" about vote is offered to everyone. If you insist on promotion of the HIllary Clinton Diatribe of it takes a village my suggestion is you get on the election campaign for her and you can live with the fraud perpetrated in Mantaulk to start it.

    NO one was purged from the roles her, trust me the liberal rag in dayton wouldve trumpeted it.

    Again, you lost, deal with it and move on. If you still have trouble then perhaps I would suggest the movie conspiracy theory with Mel Gibson, at least eventually you can see it as fantasy and not fact.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My God man, wipe the croc tears from your face and take a look at some of the antics your own party has been responsible for. How about the fact that they sued in Texas to keep DeLay's name on the ballot, even though he pulled out of the race months ago. How about Palm Beach County where Foley's name is still on the ballot and the Democrankies sued to prevent poll workers from telling anyone that a vote for Foley is actually a vote for Negron. The judges in both of these cases should be tarred and feathered. So the Republicans scored one on the Democrankies in Ohio, BOO HOO, get over it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Isn't it odd that instead of telling the readers to contact their local Democratic Party Central Committee Headquarters (each county in Ohio has one) they tell the readers to contact national news media personalities that are going to be sympathetic to their cause and more than happy to exploit this as a conspiracy whether or not it really is? Certainly the Democratic Party in Ohio would want to right this terrible wrong. Could it be that there really isn't a wrong to right? Wouldn't you think that if this were in fact true the Democratic Central Committee for each county in the effected areas would jump all over this?

    Also, according to Fitrakis "It may be necessary to actually deal with each of the 88 counties. They say we have to get the records from the county-- you literally have to fax phone or show up to literally demand these records." Is showing up in each county to attain these records impossible? You mean there aren't 20 people available to go to 88 different counties *in one day* to request these records? That is an average of driving to 4 different counties for each person. It certainly isn't a hard task to perform driving to four different locations in one area. I could drive to four different locations in four different counties get the "lists" all on the same day and still be home in time to prepare dinner by mid afternoon.

    Another oddity... notice how many times the word "probably" is included in the accusations? Probably doesn't mean these accusations are facts. Probably means it is possible. Probably doesn't mean it is actually true. Fitrakis knows this. It is his way to get "a" message out regardless if that message is actually true.

    As for "We're up against 88 county prosecutors". Well, I live in a County inside the state of Ohio. The Prosecutor is a good man, an honest man and a diehard Democrat. I know him well. Even though our Prosecutor is sworn to perform his duties based on the law (and I have no doubt he will stand by that ethic) He would be all over this if he felt there was some ploy by Republicans to do something unethical or unlawful.

    Nobody can be so simple minded as to not see the holes in this article. If you don't see the problems with what this article states it is because you choose to over look the obvious. What does that say about your ethics?

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  • 1 decade ago

    When will Democrats stop using Black and Poor people as an exscuse for not winning Elections. Democrats are the worst kind of Evil that exists in America today! Stop dividing and seperating!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    And you think it beats the idea of "re-counting" votes as many times as needed to make the Dem candidate win?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Liberals are crybabies

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, they are, but not a surprise.

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