What are the chances an "Average Joe" running for President as an Independent?


Favorite Answer

This election is increasing the odds for an Average Joe and an independent party.

Simple Freedom2008-10-28T03:18:14Z

Anyone can run for president. Well anyone that fits the criteria. 25 plus years of age, American citizen, etc. Question is will he get the support from enough constituents to make enough of a splash for media to cover and to get enough campaign funds. Without either of these two, he will not ge past the first race.


What are the chances of any independent winning an election?

You just answered the question.

ken s2008-10-28T00:21:58Z

If you can get passed all the nuts that run it will still be hard need alot of cash these days.

John W2008-10-28T00:27:27Z

Chances of running...GOOD
Chances of winning...not a snowballs chance in hell.