for Mother's of deployed soldiers, a question....?
Just wondering how you deal, how do you cope with knowing your flesh and blood is out there, their life on the line every single day that they are deployed? Mine is, and I don't think I am coping too well. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Support and Information: Blue Star Mothers of America USO American Red Cross,1082,0_321_,00.html CinC House Home Front OnLine The Military Family Network Military Spouse Radio National Military Family Association
Yeah, some of these are for spouses but, they're married to someone who has a mom too.
And tell your child, Thank You, from a disabled Vietnam Vet.
I'm not a mother and my boyfriend isn't deployed yet he just left for boot camp though. but it is a very hard thing to cope with. I've been talking to my boyfriend's mom since the day he left which was Tuesday and you just have to do your normal thing like you usually do every day. we have both finally got over the shock of him being gone but we just keep telling our selves that it's his career. Just stay strong not only for him but for yourself...if you pray make sure you pray for him every night and become close with your friends and other family member and just go about your life. and if you can keep in touch and make sure you tell him how much you love him. I know this is a lot of information but I really hope it works. Good luck!!! Don't worry too much!
All you can do is pray for his safe return and try not to think of the worst.There is no way copying with that situation,just makes sure he calls you or emails you Dillie to let you know he's doing alright.That should help you feel better.
I hate when people quote statistics to make someone feel better. If only one person were to die in a war, but it was your husband, father or brother it would be huge!
You should just say that depending on his job, he will most likely be fighting more boredom playing video games than fighting an enemy.