What are some of the problems that Philadelphia is currently facing?


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I dunno how or why it's happening, but, the crime is outta control. The random shootings are really frightening.

Paul S2008-12-13T14:20:18Z

Well, everytime I turn on AM I hear about either closing the libraries b/c there is no money left in the budget, or crime.

My Three2008-12-12T06:50:47Z

our crime is out of control my cousin was in Pennsylvania hospital yesterday and she was there over 9 hours because everytime it was close to her being called another gun shot victim came in. And a cop was killed on the corner of my block last year Philly is out of control

David H2008-12-12T17:17:36Z

We are facing a budget shortage .Libraries and parks, pools are being shut down. and the crime situation.