how does one become "wise beyond their years"?

...and is it really a compliment?


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Let's decide what wise is and isn't.
Wise, to me, is having insight to the world around you and being able to make good decisions in difficult situations. This is healthy. Good.
Some may confuse wisdom with having knowledge of something before one is mature. Ex. being street wise at the age of 8. Some may even see a youngster with a good vocabulary who is well read as being wise. This to me is often a mistake. I think looking past what someone says is important. Many people can sound smart or wise and be far from it.
I have been impressed by someone who is wise beyond their years. To mention it can be taken as a compliment. But I wouldn't say it to compliment someone.
Now, HOW does one become wise? I believe who we are has much to do with what we are born with. After that I see wise people as good listeners and deep thinkers. Not always having to be right and not correcting someone when they are "wrong". The wise people I have known are secure. Secure with who they are. I suppose this is something that is developed from childhood. Being able to learn from your mistakes. An adult must teach a child how to approach failure so it is learned from.
Lastly, I would say that a wise person is always open to a new perspective.

Tru Boss2008-12-22T13:38:26Z

There are three levels of knowing. Knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Knowledge is just the essence of the information. Wisdom is applying that knowledge to life. Understanding is the greatest degree and only comes after much self reflection. To become wise beyond your years you have to absorb more knowledge than your peers, apply it more often and spend a lot of time reflecting on the words, actions and deeds of yourself and others.


The term refers to someone who knows more or has experienced more than the norm at their age. It is generally a compliment, but not necessarily a good thing.


By seeing lots of bad stuff and learning from it.

I don't think it's always a compliment, though the person whom said it may have felt it to be one.

The angels have the phone box.2008-12-22T13:21:19Z

My secret is to have been born on the day before a major holiday. Having so few birthdays, I then look younger than I am and thus people consider me to be remarkably mature for my age.

Hey, it works for me. Makes dating an absolute pain though.


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