12/29/2008,Survey:Sarah Palin would make a wonderful American President. Agree or disagree?

Sarah Palin, on Dec. 15, propses a 7 percent spending decrease in the operating and capital budgets for the next fiscal year, which begins July 1. This would save the State of Alaska a lot of money. In fact, "It would provide a projected surplus of $388 million," see http://www.alaskajournal.com/stories/122108/hom_20081221008.shtml .

More importantly, Sarah Palin leads by example, she has turned down a pay raise. "Gov. Sarah Palin says she didn't ask for a pay raise and won't accept one during her current term." "That's from her spokesman, Bill McAllister, who says he talked to the governor about the $25,000 raise that a new state commission is recommending this week." See http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2008/12/26/sarah-palin-turns-down-pay-raise/ .

This could be some of the reasons why Sarah Palin is voted by Americans as the second most admired woman in the United States, behind Hillary Clinton but ahead of television host Oprah Winfrey." See http://www.adn.com/palin/story/635555.html . In addition, Sarah Palin is named "Conservative of the Year" by Human Events. See http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=29994 .


What's your political party and gender?


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Republican, Male. Disagree.

That is my current standing on that idea. She may be able to overcome that, because I do like her as opposed to dislike, but that task would be very difficult. I definitely prefer her over that Huckabilly (whom I really do not like) however. So if it ends up one of the two....I will go Palin (although I think Obama could easily beat either of them).

Romney is what I would say is the Republicans best hope at this point (although someone else could rise in the next four years).


I am not familiar with Sarah Palin's policies, but what I have read I agree with. We certainly need more politicians in office like that. There's not many politicians that would refuse a raise. Most give themselves raises.

I belong to no political party and don't believe in voting for a corrupt politician just because that person belongs to his/her party. That's ludicrous.


Disagree. AND "Why human beings have voted her the 2nd maximum favourite woman interior the U. S." is a crock of crap. united states of america of america did no longer %. her as McCains working mate, and the final public did no longer vote for her on election day. i think people who recognize her did no longer choose her as president, weren't sufficiently old to vote, or there particularly basically weren't that a lot of them. by using the way- if I have been misusing government money the way she is, i does no longer choose a develop the two.


I have to disagree. I think she is a very angry person who is unable to even understand an opinion other than her own. Her only ability is to spew hate filled divisive garbage. I do NOT think she is dumb. Not at all. She is smart enough to recognize that there is a base of closed-minded zealots who need the fanatical rhetoric she dishes out.
I was happy with McCain but quickly realized even a Veteran and previous POW couldn't reign in Palins hatred of those different than her.

the rick2008-12-29T09:23:25Z

To start with she was the only person during this past election cycle that was truly just like the rest of us,no BS , no lies,no deceit, the only honest and truly open canidate. She has worked her way up living a regular life fighting for regular folks,unlike McCain who spend his life in a military family , {which I truly respect} but does not give you real life experience, also unlike Obama who attended an Ivy league school has made a career out of politics and spent no real time living as a regular citizen.He has always had money and has always been in politics in some form. So out of the people in this past election I felt she was the most honorable and honest,which would have made her a great choice. She was the only one that was like me and you. The rest are just typical politicians.

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