What are your opinions on Pres-Elect Obama calling for a "New Declaration of Independence"?

Would this be a good thing for America, to return to the "idealism of 1776"?

Obama calls for 'new Declaration of Independence'
By Michael Neibauer
Examiner Staff Writer 1/17/09

BALTIMORE -- President-elect Barack Obama capped the first day of his inaugural celebration here before a crowd of about 40,000 people by calling for a “new Declaration of Independence” and a return to the idealism of 1776.
At the climactic stop of his 137-mile train trip that began in Philadelphia, passed through Wilmington, Del. and was to end at Washington’s Union Station, Obama spoke of the need to recapture the spirit of the American revolution. “What is required is a new declaration of independence, not just in our nation, but in our own lives - from ideology and small thinking, prejudice and bigotry...” he said

He added, “Only a handful of times in our history has a generation been confronted with challenges so vast,” citing tough economic times and two wars. Americans today must call upon “the same perseverance and idealism that our founders displayed,” to deal with those challenges, he said.



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Independence from what? England? The declaration of independence was to declare our independence & right to no taxation without representation... from England... it's a historical document from a historical moment in history... it had it's place in history... So maybe I don't understand... he wants to rewrite history to suit himself?
Kind of a scary thing for a president to suggest... Is he really that egotistical & full of himself?
Not the picture of a public servant at all.
How will this time, effort, & manpower spent on this do anything for the economy... unless we want to become less dependent on foreign oil & goods?
Yet egotists who want to gain for themselves always undercut the American workers...
I'm hoping he'll prove all the nay sayers wrong & show himself to be for the general small town American workers... He may be a democrat yet he's certainly different... & he's in office, lets see what he'll do for us, no use complaining unless he makes impeachable mistakes... but rewriting history makes no sense & is of course out of the question.
If he wants to motivate & unite Americans, there are other ways that actually make more sense... such as addressing the roots of the economic problems...
Why do we buy everything from wal mart from foreign made companies & why do we buy foreign cars & oil & why do we invest in foreign companies & then expect to be the world super power? We have the intelligence in this country to do better if we have the will & determination & the love, respect & care for one another... but as long as we want to see our neighbor bite the dust & we strive with one another with a poor & cut through attitude in the work places... we will continue to be effected negatively. We need to unite & help & care about each other, or we will be overtaken by those who don't care about us... & we need policy makers who are for us rather than for our dollars & foreign investments until we're all dried up... The policies in place which we've held need changed & then we might have the manpower & resources for real improvement if we act now before our people grow too weakened by lack & want.
Leave history: change the policies Mr. Obama!
(you too Americans) The wake up call has been sounded so wake up... pay attention to what you buy from where & who has a job & where because of your purchases... & who will care for the US if the US will not.
We are capable, but we need the right attitude to go along with it to live up to our potential... or we're going to grow old & perish as a nation.
Or perhaps the world loves us so much they will keep making computers & games & cars etc for US just as good Samaritans & never expect anything in return.
How do you count the cost of buying & investing foreign? It's incalculable.
As opposed to some of our money going to a local company for the things we need, who will in return be willing to buy supplies from the company you work for, which makes valuable & needed supplies locally... this is unity... & independence. & this is good business... Buying from those who will not support us because we have nothing to pay them with... is bad business folks! They may sympathize with us... but it's time we start looking at the big picture & uniting for ourselves as a nation... we have everything we need, but the right attitude as a nation. We want people to serve us while we complain, rather than us serving others while enduring complaint.


From this information I'm not going to assume he wants to do away with the old one, rather was just making a motivational statement. But, I think he should study the history books. Our founders founded this land primarily for religous freedom. Their idealism came from the Bible, their great nation stemmed from morality. A moral people make a healthy ecomony, if he wants to fix the ecomony, he should fix the morals.

Also... so many people are negative about Obama, I don't understand how he won.

i'm watching washinton d.c.2009-01-18T12:42:02Z

i think all the idolatry has finally gone straight to his brain, who the hell
does he think he is, this Country has for better than 200 years had the
Declaration of Independence in Place, it is our History, and this guy has no right to try and rewrite it to his liking.
i will vehemently oppose any such undertaking., as should all Americans, we cannot allow that to happen, remember the Moderates
that ruined the Catholic church from with-in did it in small seemingly
insignificant ways, like to many statues, only dust collectors, as we the people saw our church's stripped of all our Saints, it was to late
the Moderates didn't want the real presence, the beautiful reminders
of our faith, counting on out of sight, out of mind will follow, that is what this guy plans on doing, by stripping us of our History, one Building, One Document at a time, unless he is stopped. Lest he forget

MBlessed (SOC)2009-01-18T14:57:11Z

I think it would be good if we returned to the America our forefathers founded, and that included one in which GOD WAS REVERED!!!!!

God was a BIG part of the America of 1776. But the America of 2009 would NOT begin to ALLOW America to return to the God of the Bible.
They don't want God allowed in Schools, Government, or our daily private lives....

Their destruction looms....


Well, if he's wanting to go back to the bicentenial era, then that's not anything NEW as he proclaims it to be. That's going back to the OLD ways, and there was a reason back then why it changed to what it is NOW.

I think Obama is wanting to change WAY TOO MUCH, and I believe it's to make this Country his own way, and it's going to lead us to detrimental times ahead.

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