Have you ever accidentally hit "reply all" when sending an email?
or is the yahoo email so screwed up that all of my email contacts are getting my emails that I send to someone?
make sense? who cares- that is scary
or is the yahoo email so screwed up that all of my email contacts are getting my emails that I send to someone?
make sense? who cares- that is scary
Favorite Answer
I accidentally forward pornographic pictures of myself to all my contacts. Everyday.
All I have to do is think about writing an email and I hit the send button.
Nope but that's been close to happening to me, at if it had.... it would probably had cost me my job. So now I'm pretty sneaky with that stuff, and always double check if there's anyone that is not supposed to be in the distribution list.
The same almost happened to me but with the MSN Messenger... when you mix up your windows.... come one, that has happened to all of us.
Nah I can't say its ever happened but then again I'm so lazy I don't bother to check my email that much
I need more Cowbell!®
Yeah I caught myself hitting reply to all yesterday once but luckily there was only one person as a recipient had i sent it anyway.