Who out there feels that Dick Chaney is a joke how can he be aloud to speak that way about our new President?

Sick adminstration Cheney should be in jail for shooting that gentleman when they were out hunting.


If you think that shooting was a accident you are living in disneyland.


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Why should he be in jail for the accidental discharge of a firearm ?? The county in Texas had jurisdiction, and refused (along with the victim) to press charges !! Not to mention the statue of limitations ran out

Why don't the same rules apply to Democrats ?

Ted Kennedy - felony vehicular manslaughter & accessory to rape
Bill Clinton - multiple adultery charges
William J. Jefferson - bribery and corruption (still no trial after 5 years)
Barney Franks
Tom Daschle
Harry Reid - illegal land deals
Cynthia McKinney - assault on a law-enforcement officer

As for speaking about a President... how about Jimmy Carter who broke an almost 80 year rule about FORMER Presidents keeping THEIR opinions to themselves ??

EDIT: and WHAT do YOU base your opinion on that the shooting was NOT accidental ?? FIRST Cheney is evil-incarnate, a trained killer... but then you all think he can't kill a lawyer at 20 yards with a shotgun ??

I guess in the liberal tradition, you'll NOW claim that Clinton's DNA-sample on Lewinski's dress was an accidental discharge ??




its called freedom of speech, you libs did the same when Cheney was VP. As far as the shooting is concerned, Cheney called for help and stayed to make a statement to the police. Different from a certain senator from Mass, when he had an accident with his car he ran off, didn't call for help and left an innocent girl to die. Why isn't kennedy in jail for murder?


Who listens to Dick Cheney? I thought only George Bush did.


I don't hear him saying anything worse than, say, what Susan Sarandon, Jeanine Garafolo, Ashton Kutcher and a whole list of others said about his predecessor.....

...and at least Cheney has "walked the walk..."

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