What do you think the role of a teacher is ?

do you beleive that the teacher should do all they can do to help your child in class and keep you posted on problems?

If your child was doing well in all his classes (best year ever) except two, and has a learning disability, would you beleive it was your child at fault or the teacher?

What do you beleive that a teacher should do to help you child?And how can you help as a parent if you aren't being told their is a problem untill progress reports come home?


I have talked to the teacher at the first conference early in the year, and told her some of my sons disabilities, he is 13. I asked her because she said that she noticed a change after she moved his seating arrangment a problem (didn't do anything)to change his seat back, and also notify me if there was more than 2 missing assignments ect. I received one email telling me she moved his seat.

Okay got the next conference date, I remind you no notice that anything was wrong before the report card came home a e again, This time he has 7 missing assignments and his resource room teacher is on maturinty leave when these start happening, and very low test scores. She tells me that again she thinks it is his seating placement, I once again repeat to her that htat is what she told me at the last conference and had told me she would move him back, did this not happen? I asked her why had she not contacted me about his missing assignments, oh do I have your email address? Yes, i gave it to u


I once again got a report card, and have had no notes, no reports, no nothing and he is failing. She says this time that it isn't missing work but work that is incomplete and very low test and worksheets, she will check to see if the resource room teacher is assistaning him, she already told me that this was being done?
I wrote her a email today stating that I wanted a sheet of paper filled out by each teacher stating if their is homework, if homework from previous day was handed in , and current grade and signed by each teacher every day, as I will sign each day as well, so they know I am seeing the information as well. She doesn't want to do this.


Favorite Answer

As a teacher, yes our role is to guide children in learning.

I don't like to place fault when a child is struggling. Instead, I'd like heads to come together to figure out what needs to be done to improve. If the child has a learning disability and is having difficulties in certain areas, the IEP needs to be evaluated, the resource teachers (if any) need to meet, and the parents need to be contacted.

If you are a parent that is in this situation, I highly suggest you contact the teacher. While it is the teacher(s) responsibility to keep in touch...it is also the parents' responsibility. Don't feel like you must wait for the progress report to bring up any concerns. Most teachers will welcome a parent that wants to be active in their children's education (because trust me, there are TONS of parents who just do not care.)

*To details: Woah, you definitely need to step in big time. There is a lot going on there (especially with the resource teacher being out,) and I think you need to bring it up with someone else. I am usually tentative to tell people to "go above the teacher's head," but in this case your son's education seems to be suffering. You have made the right attempts, perhaps it is time to bring your concerns to the administrators' attention.


I think it is both the teacher and the parent that should do all they can to help a child out in school, and comminication should go both ways between parents and teachers. If a parent suspects that something may be happening in school, they should call... if a teacher is seeing a change in a student that is out of the ordinary for that student...they should call.

Hmmm, this is a toss up honestly. It depends on how hard the child is trying to understand his homework and class work, how much the teacher is putting forth to try to get the child to "get it". It can also be the parents fault for not going over these things at home.... Is the child in classes that have fewer students for the classes they are not doing well in, are these classes specific to the learning disability??

The last one is a hard one, how old is the child. Are they in small classes or big classes? Is there any type of assignment book that is going home for you to look at and make shure that work is being done and gone over so that you know the child knows what they are doing?
Are there tests that are given in this class? If there are and the child is bringing home failing grades, then you would kinda know then from the tests that the kid isn't doing so well... does the child have an assignment book that shows what kind of homework is to be done and are you making shure that it is being done at home... is the teacher willing to inital an assignment book stating what homework is for the day so that you and the teacher have communication between eachother going on??


I think that parents and teachers should work together. If the teacher is waiting until progress report time to tell you there is problem then maybe you could set up weekly reports that way you can stay on top of things. I think the teacher should tell you when there is a problem but if they don't it then becomes your responsibility to find out especially when you know your child has a learning disability. I don't think placing blame on the teacher or the child is going to help.