Why does cartoon network suck now?
well lets see the reasons.
1) It has Gay stupid shows now for example: Flapjack, Chowder
2.) CN is aimed at little boys ages 6-11, (ever since a few years ago.)
3.) stupid widges things
4.) when they ended Toonami(That had Good shows on it for girls and boys in teen age.)
5.) Cartoon network renamed themselfs "CN"
6.) they have nothing for girls anymore. i remember when they had animes like "Sailor Moon", "Sakura Cardcaptors" and more (when they still had toonami.)
can you give me any more reasons why Cartoon network freakin SUCKS now?
Here where i live they already token off anime off Adult swim.... =/
On adult swim i only have
"Family guy" "Robot chicken" and some other weird shows..
It used to show death note,bleach,star child but now where i live they are cancelled
I also remember these two shows that i used to watch and like(that also got cancelled):
Teen Titans
Puffy AmiYumi
Yes cartoon network is soon cancelling naruto as they think its too "Violent" for american and canadian viewers.